Encrypted using openssl executable, decrypting with ruby's OpenSSL module?

I have some files on my system that have been encrypted using the "openssl"
executable (via "openssl rc4 -e"), and I would like to decrypt them using
the "OpenSSL" ruby module.

I know that the salt and iv values are stored in the files that are encrypted
by the openssl executable, but I haven't been able to properly extract that
information from these files so that I can use this salt and iv with the ruby
OpenSSL decryption functions.

Can anyone point me to a ruby example for extracting this salt and iv
info from an openssl-encrypted file, so I can then decrypt it via ruby's
OpenSSL module?

Thanks in advance.


Lloyd Zusman
God bless you.

[ ... ]

Can anyone point me to a ruby example for extracting this salt and iv
info from an openssl-encrypted file, so I can then decrypt it via ruby's
OpenSSL module?

Well, I figured it out. First of all, I need the key size and iv size
for the encryption scheme. According to the chart in Table 15.6 at
site, codeidol.com - codeidol Resources and Information.,
these values are 16 and 0,
respectively, for the RC4 encryption scheme. Armed with these values,
came up with the following ruby code (more error checking is needed):


require 'openssl'
require 'digest/md5'

def decrypt_from_openssl_encrypted(file, password, scheme, keysize,
  encrypted_data = nil
    File.open(file, 'r') {
      encrypted_data = f.read
    return nil
  if encrypted_data.nil? or
     encrypted_data.length < 16 or
     encrypted_data[0, 8] != 'Salted__'
    return nil
  salt = encrypted_data[8, 8]
  encrypted_data = encrypted_data[16..-1]
  totsize = keysize + ivsize
  keyivdata = ''
  temp = ''
  while keyivdata.length < totsize do
    temp = Digest::MD5.digest(temp + password + salt);
    keyivdata << temp
  key = keyivdata[0, keysize]
  iv = keyivdata[keysize, ivsize]
  c = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new(scheme)
  c.key = key
  c.iv = iv
  result = c.update(encrypted_data)
  result << c.final
  return result

file = 'encrypted.file'
password = '???'
scheme = 'rc4'
keysize = 16
ivsize = 0

decrypted = decrypt_from_openssl_encrypted(file,

if decrypted.nil?
  puts 'unable to decrypt'
  puts decrypted


On Jul 28, 3:05 am, Lloyd Zusman <l...@asfast.com> wrote:

Lloyd Zusman
God bless you.