Encountering EOF not at the End Of File

i m reading binary files into strings …

str = file.read # reads till EOF

… and it sometimes happens that str.length is not equal the file
length. so there must be EOF’s somewhere in the stream before the actual

  1. how should i read a block of binary data from a file in ruby?
  2. how would you store binary data in ruby?
    i want to hand the data to OpenGL which doesn t expect a specific type.

thanks for help

  • Meinrad


i m reading binary files into strings …

str = file.read # reads till EOF

… and it sometimes happens that str.length is not equal the file
length. so there must be EOF’s somewhere in the stream before the actual

It should not be happened, unless either a bug or you’re reading in
text mode on the DOS-ish platform. Try

f = open(path, “rb”)



before reading binary file, if you’re on Windows, DOS, etc.


In message “encountering EOF not at the End Of File” on 03/03/04, Meinrad Recheis meinrad.recheis@aon.at writes: