Encoding problem ? in Mechanize /NET::Http.get

Hi there.
I'm trying to get a site to mess with, using mechanize.
Site charset is iso-8859-2 (central european something), Im running
ubuntu 8.10 and ruby 1.8. (but it doesn't seem to be the problem).
During the process I get that rather unpleasant error

ruby pierdolety.rb

`iconv': "\352</a></b></font>"... (Iconv::IllegalSequence)
  from pierdolety.rb:9

Exit code: 1

from this code

require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'

agent = WWW::Mechanize.new{ |agent|
    agent.user_agent_alias = 'Mac Safari'}


I tried googling it, but It gave Me no effect at all.

any ideas ?


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Adam Cza wrote:

Hi there.
I'm trying to get a site to mess with, using mechanize.
Site charset is iso-8859-2 ...
During the process I get that rather unpleasant error

ruby pierdolety.rb

`iconv': "\352</a></b></font>"... (Iconv::IllegalSequence)

from this code

require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'

agent = WWW::Mechanize.new{ |agent|
    agent.user_agent_alias = 'Mac Safari'}


I tried googling it, but It gave Me no effect at all.

any ideas ?

Looking at the source code from that web site, mechanize is having
problems with this word:


The \352 in the error message is an octal number, which is 234 in
decimal, which is the decimal code for 'ę' in iso-8859-2. Mechanize is
choking on that character. The error message mentions iconv, which is a
standard library module used to convert between different encodings. It
looks to me like get() is trying to use iconv to convert 'ę' to ascii,
which is causing the error.

I looked around the Mechanize docs, and I couldn't find any mention of
"encoding", so I have no solution.


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.