As you can see the format of the email addresses is not consistant, for
that reason, I want to parse this string of data and seperated each
address with a pipe (|).
d = "Bloggs Joe <>, Bloggs Keith
<>, Bloggs, Mary <>,"
As you can see the format of the email addresses is not consistant, for
that reason, I want to parse this string of data and seperated each
address with a pipe (|).
It's always puzzling why people like you don't just list the output they
want. For some reason you people feel a need to describe the output in
words rather than just listing the string you want to end up with.
d = "Bloggs Joe <>, Bloggs Keith
<>, Bloggs, Mary <>,"
arr = d.scan(/<([^>]+)>/).flatten
result = arr.join('|')
puts result