Emacs Semantic for Ruby?


I was wondering if anyone here happened to be working on a Ruby parser
for the Emacs "Semantic" package[1]. I've found a few relevant
messages on this ML from 2002 and a few on the semantic ML from 2004,
but nothing recent, and nothing concretely indicating someone working
on a Ruby parser for Semantic. Any unreleased and undiscussed works
in progress?

(I'm willing to take a crack at it myself, but I'd need to dig up my
compilers book and give myself a refresher before even thinking about
trying it.)

[1] http://cedet.sourceforge.net/semantic.shtml

- Marshall

That'd be nice, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, ruby's grammar is fairly difficult. I've made due with exuberant tags and used them with some success in ecb.


On Aug 9, 2006, at 11:05 AM, Marshall T. Vandegrift wrote:

I was wondering if anyone here happened to be working on a Ruby parser
for the Emacs "Semantic" package[1]. I've found a few relevant
messages on this ML from 2002 and a few on the semantic ML from 2004,
but nothing recent, and nothing concretely indicating someone working
on a Ruby parser for Semantic. Any unreleased and undiscussed works
in progress?