Hi, Rubyists.
I have begun the big adventure called ‘emacs’ …
I have found that the following line causes the syntax
highlighter to have problems:
t.sub!(/\$/, '\$')
Mark Probert probertm@NOSPAM_nortelnetworks.com
Nortel Networks ph. (613) 768-1082
All opinions expressed are my own and do not
reflect in any way those of Nortel Networks.
Nobu did say …
This patch works?
Unfortunately not. It caused emacs (GNU emacs 21.2.1
for WinNT) to go 100% CPU.
Mark Probert probertm@NOSPAM_nortelnetworks.com
Nortel Networks ph. (613) 768-1082
All opinions expressed are my own and do not
reflect in any way those of Nortel Networks.
Hi, Nobu.
Nobu did say …
What’s its (emacs-version)?
The same as yours. “GNU Emacs 21.2.1 (i386-msvc-nt5.0.2195) of 2002-03-
19 on buffy” under Win2k.
Here is a more complete snippet that shows the same
def fmt_text(arr, f)
f.puts “\n”
arr.each { |ln|
t = ln.gsub(/\t/, " “).strip
t.sub!(/$/, ‘$’) # from here is comment colour (magenta)
f.puts " #{t}”
f.puts “\n”
Mark Probert probertm@NOSPAM_nortelnetworks.com
Nortel Networks ph. (613) 768-1082
All opinions expressed are my own and do not
reflect in any way those of Nortel Networks.
nobu.nokada@softhome.net did say …
Okay, I could see the problem. Thank you.
What about this?
Thank you so much.
Mark Probert probertm@NOSPAM_nortelnetworks.com
Nortel Networks ph. (613) 768-1082
All opinions expressed are my own and do not
reflect in any way those of Nortel Networks.