Hi all,
I have this piece of code: http://pastie.caboo.se/198524
I'm trying to use the "self" context of the instanciated class in the
Proc. I've got it working now, but isn't there a nicer way to use the
Proc.new() without having to use the "|obj|" part?
So instead of:
t.code = Proc.new { |obj| obj.instance_test() }
I want to use something like:
t.code = Proc.new { self.instance_test() }
I've tried some stuff but I can't / don't think I can get it working the
second way. Does anyone have some bright ideas about solving this
Thanks in advance!
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
It is possible. You need to tell the object to evaluate the proc with self
as that object like so:
t = Proc.new { self.length }
=> #<Proc:0xb77b7bd8@(irb):1>
"Furry bunny".instance_eval &t <-- note the ampersand. This means pass
the proc as a block.
=> 11
[1, 2, 3].instance_eval &t
=> 3
Because self is an implicit receiver (that is, if no other reciever is
specified, self is the receiver), you can leave off self entirely:
t = Proc.new { length }
=> #<Proc:0xb77ad6ec@(irb):5>
[1, 2, 3].instance_eval &t
=> 3
"Furry bunny".instance_eval &t
=> 11
On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 6:59 PM, Leon Bogaert <leon@tim-online.nl> wrote:
Hi all,
I have this piece of code: http://pastie.caboo.se/198524
I'm trying to use the "self" context of the instanciated class in the
Proc. I've got it working now, but isn't there a nicer way to use the
Proc.new() without having to use the "|obj|" part?
So instead of:
t.code = Proc.new { |obj| obj.instance_test() }
I want to use something like:
t.code = Proc.new { self.instance_test() }
I've tried some stuff but I can't / don't think I can get it working the
second way. Does anyone have some bright ideas about solving this
Thanks in advance!
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.
Leon Bogaert wrote:
Hi all,
I have this piece of code: http://pastie.caboo.se/198524
I'm trying to use the "self" context of the instanciated class in the
Proc. I've got it working now, but isn't there a nicer way to use the
Proc.new() without having to use the "|obj|" part?
So instead of:
t.code = Proc.new { |obj| obj.instance_test() }
I want to use something like:
t.code = Proc.new { self.instance_test() }
I've tried some stuff but I can't / don't think I can get it working the
second way. Does anyone have some bright ideas about solving this
Fortunately, it's easy:
t.code = Proc.new { self.instance_test() }
and instead of
you just do this
vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407
Wow, dudes! Thanks!
That's simple... I'll read your posts some more times to really
understand what's hapening
'Cause this is like magic to me.
After googling on the solution I also found this blog:
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
I thought I understood the block/proc thing. Guess not...
I thought when I proc is converted to a block, the code gets evaluated.
So (I thought) when Proc.call() is, euhm, called, the proc gets
converted to a block and is getting evaluated in that context.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
Leon Bogaert wrote:
I thought I understood the block/proc thing. Guess not...
I thought when I proc is converted to a block, the code gets evaluated.
So (I thought) when Proc.call() is, euhm, called, the proc gets converted to a block and is getting evaluated in that context.
The block keeps the original context ("lexical scoping"), including local vars, self, and constants:
class C
class D; end
def foo
local = 1
proc { [local, self, D] }
class D; end
local = 2
p [local, self, D]
p C.new.foo.call
vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407