Easy way to check if a pid is running?


A quick question:

Is there an easy way to check if a process is running given it's PID? There
seems to be nothing like Process.exists?(pid). If I was root I could use
Process.kill(0,pid) to test, but the program needs to run as a plain user. Do
I have to parse the output from ps -e?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


George Mochrie
aka Drasil
ICQ# 84423409

George Mochrie wrote:


A quick question:

Is there an easy way to check if a process is running given it's PID? There seems to be nothing like Process.exists?(pid). If I was root I could use Process.kill(0,pid) to test, but the program needs to run as a plain user. Do

Not only root can do kill(0, pid), any user can send signal (or 0) to his/her own processes.

On systems that have /proc you can also check for presence of a directory named like pid there.

I have to parse the output from ps -e?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


def alive? pid
     pid = Integer("#{ pid }")
       Process.kill 0, pid
     rescue Errno::ESRCH

the module

require 'pathname'
require 'socket'
module Util
   class << self
     def export sym
       sym = "#{ sym }".intern
       module_function sym
       public sym #}}}
     def append_features c
       c.extend Util #}}}
   def mcp obj
   export 'mcp'
   def klass
   export 'klass'
   def realpath path
     path = File.expand_path "#{ path }"
     rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ENOTDIR
   export 'realpath'
   def hashify(*hashes)
     hashes.inject(accum={}){|accum,hash| accum.update hash}
   export 'hashify'
   def getopt opt, hash
     opt_s = "#{ opt }"
     hash[opt] || hash[opt_s] || hash[opt_s.intern] #}}}
   export 'getopt'
   def alive? pid
     pid = Integer("#{ pid }")
       Process.kill 0, pid
     rescue Errno::ESRCH
   export 'alive?'
   def maim(pid, opts = {})
     sigs = getopt('signals', opts) || %w(SIGTERM SIGQUIT SIGKILL)
     suspend = getopt('suspend', opts) || 4
     pid = Integer("#{ pid }")
     sigs.each do |sig|
         Process.kill(sig, pid)
       rescue Errno::ESRCH
         return nil
       sleep 0.2
       unless alive?(pid)
         sleep suspend
     not alive?(pid)
   export 'maim'
   def timestamp time = Time.now
     usec = "#{ time.usec }"
     usec << ('0' * (6 - usec.size)) if usec.size < 6
     time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.') << usec
   export 'timestamp'
   def stamptime string, local = true #{{{
     string = "#{ string }"
     pat = %r/^\s*(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d).(\d\d\d\d\d\d)\s*$/o
     match = pat.match string
     raise ArgumentError, "<#{ string.inspect }>" unless match
     yyyy,mm,dd,h,m,s,u = match.to_a[1..-1].map{|m| m.to_i}
     if local
       Time.local yyyy,mm,dd,h,m,s,u
       Time.gm yyyy,mm,dd,h,m,s,u
   export 'stamptime'
   def escape! s, char, esc
     re = %r/([#{0x5c.chr << esc}]*)#{char}/
     s.gsub!(re) do
       (($1.size % 2 == 0) ? ($1 << esc) : $1) + char
   export 'escape!'
   def escape s, char, esc
     ss = "#{ s }"
     escape! ss, char, esc
   export 'escape'
   def fork(*args, &block)
       verbose = $VERBOSE
       $VERBOSE = nil
       Process.fork(*args, &block)
       $VERBOSE = verbose
   export 'fork'
   def exec(*args, &block)
       verbose = $VERBOSE
       $VERBOSE = nil
       Kernel.exec(*args, &block)
       $VERBOSE = verbose
   export 'exec'
   def hostname
     @__hostname__ ||= Socket::gethostname
   export 'hostname'
   def host
     @__host__ ||= Socket::gethostname.gsub(%r/\..*$/o,'')
   export 'host'
   def emsg e
     "<#{ e.class }> - <#{ e.message }>"
   export 'emsg'
   def btrace e
     (e.backtrace or ).join("\n")
   export 'btrace'
   def errmsg e
     emsg(e) << "\n" << btrace(e)
   export 'errmsg'
   def erreq a, b
     a.class == b.class and
     a.message == b.message and
     a.backtrace == b.backtrace
   export 'erreq'
end # class Util




On Thu, 26 Aug 2004, George Mochrie wrote:


A quick question:

Is there an easy way to check if a process is running given it's PID? There
seems to be nothing like Process.exists?(pid). If I was root I could use
Process.kill(0,pid) to test, but the program needs to run as a plain user. Do
I have to parse the output from ps -e?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:
George Mochrie
aka Drasil
ICQ# 84423409

from my util module:


EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
A flower falls, even though we love it;
and a weed grows, even though we do not love it. --Dogen


many thanks, /proc will do fine :slight_smile:


On Wednesday 25 August 2004 22:01, Gennady wrote:

George Mochrie wrote:
> hi
> A quick question:
> Is there an easy way to check if a process is running given it's PID?
> There seems to be nothing like Process.exists?(pid). If I was root I
> could use Process.kill(0,pid) to test, but the program needs to run as a
> plain user. Do

Not only root can do kill(0, pid), any user can send signal (or 0) to
his/her own processes.

On systems that have /proc you can also check for presence of a
directory named like pid there.

> I have to parse the output from ps -e?
> Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


George Mochrie
aka Drasil
ICQ# 84423409

George Mochrie wrote:

A quick question:
Is there an easy way to check if a process is running given it's PID? There seems to be nothing like Process.exists?(pid). If I was root I could use Process.kill(0,pid) to test, but the program needs to run as a plain user. Do

Not only root can do kill(0, pid), any user can send signal (or 0) to his/her own processes.

On systems that have /proc you can also check for presence of a directory named like pid there.

You can't send a signal, but you get a different error:

mark@eMac% irb --prompt xmp

Process.kill 0, 1
Errno::EPERM: Operation not permitted
         from (irb):2:in `kill'
         from (irb):2

Process.kill 0, 512
Errno::ESRCH: No such process
         from (irb):3:in `kill'
         from (irb):3

Process.kill 0, 419

process 1 is owned by root, 512 doesn't exist, 419 was mine.

So, Process.exists? could be:

def Process.exists?(pid)
   Process.kill 0, pid
   return true
rescue Errno::ESRCH
   return false
rescue Exception
   return true

Process.exists? 1

Process.exists? 512

Process.exists? 419


On Aug 25, 2004, at 2:01 PM, Gennady wrote:

I have to parse the output from ps -e?
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


the perfect solution... thanks :slight_smile:


On Wednesday 25 August 2004 22:26, Mark Hubbart wrote:

On Aug 25, 2004, at 2:01 PM, Gennady wrote:
> George Mochrie wrote:
>> hi
>> A quick question:
>> Is there an easy way to check if a process is running given it's PID?
>> There seems to be nothing like Process.exists?(pid). If I was root I
>> could use Process.kill(0,pid) to test, but the program needs to run
>> as a plain user. Do
> Not only root can do kill(0, pid), any user can send signal (or 0) to
> his/her own processes.
> On systems that have /proc you can also check for presence of a
> directory named like pid there.

You can't send a signal, but you get a different error:

mark@eMac% irb --prompt xmp

Process.kill 0, 1
Errno::EPERM: Operation not permitted
         from (irb):2:in `kill'
         from (irb):2

Process.kill 0, 512
Errno::ESRCH: No such process
         from (irb):3:in `kill'
         from (irb):3

Process.kill 0, 419

process 1 is owned by root, 512 doesn't exist, 419 was mine.

So, Process.exists? could be:

def Process.exists?(pid)
   Process.kill 0, pid
   return true
rescue Errno::ESRCH
   return false
rescue Exception
   return true

Process.exists? 1

Process.exists? 512

Process.exists? 419

>> I have to parse the output from ps -e?
>> Thanks in advance :slight_smile:
> Gennady.

George Mochrie
aka Drasil
ICQ# 84423409