Dynamic websites?

can ruby be used to create dynamic web pages? for example, using ruby to
create rollover images rather than javaScript


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.



On 10/20/06, Jonathan Denni <jonsdenni@gmail.com> wrote:

can ruby be used to create dynamic web pages? for example, using ruby to
create rollover images rather than javaScript

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Jonathan Denni wrote:

can ruby be used to create dynamic web pages? for example, using ruby to create rollover images rather than javaScript

That happens in the browser. Browsers understand JavaScript, but not Ruby.

There are Ruby tools that will generate the needed JavaScript, though.


James Britt

"I have the uncomfortable feeling that others are making a religion
out of it, as if the conceptual problems of programming could be
solved by a single trick, by a simple form of coding discipline!"
  - Edsger Dijkstra

Jonathan Denni wrote:

can ruby be used to create dynamic web pages? for example, using
ruby to create rollover images rather than javaScript

Please explain "to create rollover images". Thank you.


Jonathan Denni wrote:

can ruby be used to create dynamic web pages? for example, using ruby to
create rollover images rather than javaScript

In order for server-side code to roll images over, it would have to push new
content. This isn't how browsers normally work, although they can be forced
to do it (using, for example a META timeout tag). But this seems to be
bending over backward to avoid the obvious JavaScript solution.


Paul Lutus

Jonathan Denni wrote:

can ruby be used to create dynamic web pages? for example, using ruby to
create rollover images rather than javaScript

Mildly (more) OT, I wouldn't use Javascript for this purpose. If you
need button highlights, use CSS and the :hover metaselector, give or
take wrapped in a bogus link while IE6 slowly phases out of existence

David Vallner