I understand how it works at the moment. Still if you are doing
metaprogramming and consider with a very purist perspective that
everything is an object then a Class definition is just an instance
of the Class Class
The definition is a definition, the _result of executing it_ is an instance of class Class.
I agree with you.
and I should be able to change its properties and
that should be independent of having the definition assigned to a
variable otherwise it would be discarded as you say.
You can change a class's properties, e.g. by adding methods etc. It's just that the name happens to be a read only property and there is some additional magic which will set it on first constant assignment. I don't see how that collides with a "purist perspective".
I have not explained my self properly. Imagine we are talking about making an instance of any other object e.g. a Car and the car has a name and it allows you reference the car instance by it in the future.
Would you prefer the car name is defined by the variable that contains it or by setting the name in the constructor?
hotwheels = Car.new
current_car = Car.new("hotwheels")
I don't think anyone would understand directly that I have automatically set a property inside my car with the variable name. It would be a bit counterintuitive and different from how any other instance properties work on this class and how they are usually set on any other type of object of any library.
Considering the Class to be an object too by not allowing me set the name at the .new and taking the name of the left hand side of the equality sign in case it is a Constant ( otherwise it does not) it is not acting very much like any other object.
Did a bit of reading and at the end you can also create a class in
the following manner which allows you to define a name dynamically
with out using eval:
See my posting in this thread from yesterday.
Oh, and btw, that code does not really make sense that way because it can be easily replaced by
Bar = Class.new
or even
class Bar
The approach with Object.const_set basically only makes sense if the name is dynamic, too.
Yes sorry, I do want to have the name dynamic too ( I might be going off-topic for the original post, sorry).
Everything can be done on a low level but usually we define artifacts (classes, methods) to group functionality so we can access it more conveniently and manage complexity.
This is due (from my opinion) to how the vm stores the classes as
constants in Object.
I find that wording slightly irritating: it sounds a bit as if you assume the class is somehow in the constant. In Reality the constant just references the class instance. There is no particular magic involved other than the custom syntax with "class Name...end".
Agreed, its just a reference. But if I want to have a dynamic name without having to use eval I need to understand that the list of classes defined are referred to as constants in the Object and I can do that with
I am just saying it would be nicer to do Class.new("Bar") would be much more like any other object instantiation and less questioned about as it would not be an exception to how the rest of the stuff works ( although Class object is truly a bit of an exception and its one of those marvelous things ruby allows us to tinker with ).
I understand why but I think there should be a
more cleaner,abstract way to create Class definitions as they are
objects instead of the current Bare metal approach ( we get to see to
much of the internals ?)
I am not sure what you mean by "too much internals". After all, I would consider doing
By "too much internals" I mean that I actually need to get to know that the class Names are referenced in a list of constants in Object and that I can do Object.const_set("Bar",Class.new) to create a class with a dynamic name ( and not have to use eval) instead of Class.new("Bar"). ( Sorry for going in circles)
Foo = Class.new do
def x;123;end
more bare metal than
class Foo
def x;123;end
Syntax with "class" certainly helps makes things a bit more abstract and less "internal". What would be the cleaner, more abstract way?
For a definition with a set name totally agree with you.
Many thanks for the healthy discussion
On 26.03.2011 15:38, Vicente Bosch Campos wrote:
remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end