Ducktype, right?

I guess I’m not sure what duck typing is, then. My example was assuming I
was using the original method from my first post. Thus, duckness is a list
of ducky methods. My second example was selling myRobot to a duckHerder
since, for all intents and purposes, myRobot acts like a duck. The
duckHerder would also consider myRobot to be a duck, assuming we agreed on
duckness. I thought that was duck-typing.



-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: Ducktype, right?

in Ruby

yourRobot.quack if ducktype(yourRobot, duckness) if ducktype(myRobot, duckness)

(I’m not sure I’d file the second example under “duck typing”
(since it’s argument-checking rather than object capability
checking), but you could probably come up with a method name
that was a superset of both :slight_smile:

Hi –

From: []
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: Ducktype, right?

in Ruby

yourRobot.quack if ducktype(yourRobot, duckness) if ducktype(myRobot, duckness)

(I’m not sure I’d file the second example under “duck typing”
(since it’s argument-checking rather than object capability
checking), but you could probably come up with a method name
that was a superset of both :slight_smile:

I guess I’m not sure what duck typing is, then. My example was assuming I
was using the original method from my first post. Thus, duckness is a list
of ducky methods. My second example was selling myRobot to a duckHerder
since, for all intents and purposes, myRobot acts like a duck. The
duckHerder would also consider myRobot to be a duck, assuming we agreed on
duckness. I thought that was duck-typing.

The wisest answer would probably be: if it walks like duck typing and
talks like duck typing, then it is duck typing :slight_smile: But I meant only
that I’ve never heard the term applied to that kind of argument checking
(where the object being checked for capabilities isn’t actually the only
being asked to do anything).

I guess I’d tend to say that the concept of “agreeing on duckness”,
where “duckness” is taken to be an immutable list of method names, is more
a particular way of addressing the ambient fact of duck typing (i.e.,
the fact that the “type” of Ruby objects is essentially inferential)
than it is, per se, duck typing.

Actually the best way to get at this is to put the spotlight on
something relatively unexciting-looking in your code:
We’ve been taking that method call for granted – but it also operates
in the universe of duck typing. You’re assuming that, at that moment
in its existence, the duckHerder object knows how to respond to “buy”.
And probably that it will respond in a certain way. In fact, we all do
this all the time; it would drive one crazy (and perhaps be crazy) to
do a “responds_to?” before every method call. But, even in a relatively
“innocent” case like this, the type of the object is the sum of what it
can do at that moment, and the only measure of that is to measure it.

Of course you could apply the technique you’ve used elsewhere:

if ducktype(duckHerder, spender) …

But my point is that, even if you don’t (and at some point one has to
stop!), you’re still dealing with “duck typing” – even if, in a given
case, you deal with it by deciding to trust to the percentages (the
unlikelihood that the object’s interface has been altered) perhaps in
combination with a suite of tests.

In any case, the main thing is the underlying thing – the dynamism and
extensibility of Ruby objects, and the implications this has for “type”.
I tend to think of the notion of duck typing as a way of encapsulating
the idea: “‘type’ in Ruby is, at best, something you can only know after
the fact, and fleetingly, so don’t put too much weight on it.”



On Sat, 9 Aug 2003, Mills Thomas (app1tam) wrote:

-----Original Message-----

David Alan Black

Mills Thomas (app1tam) wrote:

I guess I’m not sure what duck typing is, then. My example was assuming I
was using the original method from my first post. Thus, duckness is a list
of ducky methods. My second example was selling myRobot to a duckHerder
since, for all intents and purposes, myRobot acts like a duck. The
duckHerder would also consider myRobot to be a duck, assuming we agreed on
duckness. I thought that was duck-typing.

Duck typing is way of thinking about programming in Ruby.

For folks who come from languages such as Java or C++, types are
basically the same as classes. When you ask ‘what is the type of
“cat”?’, the answer comes back as ‘String’.

These languages use the type==class model as the model for programming.
You say

 String fred;

to say that ‘fred’ has type ‘String’, and the language implements that
by saying that fred can only reference objects that are class String.

Ruby doesn’t use that model. In Ruby, types are defined as the
capabilities of objects. Classes can be used to give objects their
initial capabilities, but from that point on, the class is (almost)
irrelevant. When I write

 fred << "dog"

in Ruby, I don’t care whether fred is a String, a File, or an Array (a
fact that’s very useful when writing unit tests).

I call this duck typing for two reasons. First, because the name fits
(the “walk like a duck” business). Second, because I want to give a name
to it to remind folks that Ruby’s type model is different.



The one thing that I think is underemphasized about the duck typing concept is
that just because something floats, it might not be a duck (it might be a

In Java you could check to see if something is of a certain class, but what
was more often done was to see if something implemented a certain interface.
Implementing an interface was a way of signalling “I declare myself to act
like a duck”. And the fact you implemented the interface meant that you had
all the necessary features to act like a duck. You weren’t allowed to
implement the interface and then only choose certain duck-like features.

It seems to me that duck-typing in Ruby should strive for the same thing.
Checking for one method isn’t enough, in my opinion.



On Fri August 8 2003 1:25 pm, Dave Thomas wrote:

 fred << "dog"

in Ruby, I don’t care whether fred is a String, a File, or an Array (a
fact that’s very useful when writing unit tests).

Ben Giddings said:

Implementing an interface was a way of signalling “I declare myself to act
like a duck”. And the fact you implemented the interface meant that you
all the necessary features to act like a duck. You weren’t allowed to
implement the interface and then only choose certain duck-like features.

It seems to me that duck-typing in Ruby should strive for the same thing.
Checking for one method isn’t enough, in my opinion.

You’re correct. If you need an object to respond to, say, 3 different
methods, then you should check to see that it responds to those three
methods (if you aren’t confident that it will) - no more and no less than
the three that you need.

If the object responds to the methods that you need, then there’s no
reason for it to have to be of a specific type/implement a specific
interface. It does what you need it to do & that’s all you should care

At least, this is how I understand the concept of Duck Typing…



Ryan Dlugosz

Ben Giddings wrote:

In Java you could check to see if something is of a certain class, but what
was more often done was to see if something implemented a certain interface.
Implementing an interface was a way of signalling “I declare myself to act
like a duck”. And the fact you implemented the interface meant that you had
all the necessary features to act like a duck. You weren’t allowed to
implement the interface and then only choose certain duck-like features.

It seems to me that duck-typing in Ruby should strive for the same thing.
Checking for one method isn’t enough, in my opinion.

I agree with Ryan’s reply to you. If I only need the one method on the
object I’m interacting with – should that one call not be allowed
simply because all of the other methods that I don’t need aren’t
consistent with what it should be?



 fred << "dog"

in Ruby, I don’t care whether fred is a String, a File, or an Array (a
fact that’s very useful when writing unit tests).

The one thing that I think is underemphasized about the duck typing
concept is
that just because something floats, it might not be a duck (it might be a

Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science? :wink:

In Java you could check to see if something is of a certain class, but
was more often done was to see if something implemented a certain
Implementing an interface was a way of signalling “I declare myself to act
like a duck”. And the fact you implemented the interface meant that you
all the necessary features to act like a duck. You weren’t allowed to
implement the interface and then only choose certain duck-like features.

It seems to me that duck-typing in Ruby should strive for the same thing.
Checking for one method isn’t enough, in my opinion.

Actually, I’ve often thought the same thing.

respond_to? is good enough in many/most cases. Sometimes
it is not.

Example: << is usually an append operation. You can happily
apply it to a string, an array, or a file. But a Fixnum also
responds to that method… meaning “left shift.”

If the methods are collected in a module with a canonical
name, that improves the situation.

if x.is_a? Enumerable then…

But I’m not sure I’d recommend encasing methods in a bunch of
new modules like Appendable. Though it is an idea…



----- Original Message -----
From: “Ben Giddings”
To: “ruby-talk ML”
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: Ducktype, right?

On Fri August 8 2003 1:25 pm, Dave Thomas wrote:

Hal Fulton

Ouch, this is one of the most difficult-to-understand sentences I’ve seen in a
long time.

I’ll pretend I understand it and give an example:


On Fri August 8 2003 2:36 pm, Chris Morris wrote:

Ben Giddings wrote:
I agree with Ryan’s reply to you. If I only need the one method on the
object I’m interacting with – should that one call not be allowed
simply because all of the other methods that I don’t need aren’t
consistent with what it should be?

Get the contents of the object, if it acts like a string,

simply return it, if it acts like a file, return its contents,

if it acts like a frobnitz, foozle it.

def getContents(obj)
if obj.respond_to? :read
elsif obj.respond_to? :to_str
return obj.to_str
elsif obj.respond_to? :foozle
return obj.foozle

class EmailMessageBody < String

attr_accessor :read

def initialize
@read = false # By default, mark the message body as unread

Imagine that the “getContents” method is buried deeply within the source code
to a library somewhere. The programmer would never see that method, even if
he/she did see the commenting of the method. Now what happens when I pass an
EmailMessageBody into getContents? It will see that it responds to “read”
and return a boolean. That’s not what you want. That’s not what the
documentation says, but that’s what it will do. This could be a really hard
bug to track down.

Testing to see if the “read” method is supported is not really “duck typing”,
in the sense that you’re not really checking to see if it’s a duck. Just
because the object implements a certain method doesn’t mean that that method
does what you expect.

In certain cases, checking to see if a method exists is enough. The method
“to_str” is a prime example. If someone implements that method in a way that
doesn’t return a string, they deserve whatever problems they get. There are
plenty of examples of how to_str is used everywhere else, and the function
name is pretty descriptive. Other functions are less obvious.

Somebody else gave this example (though I added the “implements Duck” that I
think was just accidentally left out):

interface Duck
void quack();

class MyDuck implements Duck
void quack()

Here the “implements Duck” is essentially an agreement saying “I want other
peole to see this as a Duck”. You’re free to break that agreement, but if
you do, you can expect trouble.

On the other hand:

class Psychiatrist
void quack()
void shrink()

Just because someone has a “quack” function/method, doesn’t mean they want
their object to be treated as a Duck. When you create a class and add
methods to it, should you always have to say: “Hmm, what’s the most popular
way _____ is used”, and make sure yours acts the same way?

My understanding was always that “implements Foo” in Java meant: “my class
will define the following methods, in the way that Foo describes, so you can
treat my class as a Foo”.

As for the subject of why it is useful to implement a set of methods rather
than just the one you care about, consider a function like:

def dumpContents(obj)
if obj.respond_to? :write
obj.flush if obj.respond_to? :flush
obj.close if obj.respond_to? :close
elsif …

I think it would be much more clear if you could simply say:

def dumpContents(obj)
if obj.implements_interface? :WriteableIO
elsif …


(Hi I’m a new comer, just reading the first
lines of ruby code and I’m already dazzled)

Ben Giddings wrote:

In Java you could check to see if something is of a certain class, but
what was more often done was to see if something implemented a certain
interface. Implementing an interface was a way of signalling “I declare
myself to act like a duck”. And the fact you implemented the interface
meant that you had all the necessary features to act like a duck. You
weren’t allowed to implement the interface and then only choose certain
duck-like features.

It seems to me that duck-typing in Ruby should strive for the same
thing. Checking for one method isn’t enough, in my opinion.

I agree with Ryan’s reply to you. If I only need the one method on the
object I’m interacting with – should that one call not be allowed simply
because all of the other methods that I don’t need aren’t consistent with
what it should be?

I think that what Ben means isn’t to replace this actual can_you_do_that?
way of thinking, but to extend it, just as there’s nothing wrong with your
“if all you need from the object is to execute this method, it doesn’t
matter what it is per se,
as long as it does it”, the idea of implementing an interface comes
naturaly as an extension.
(I don’t program in java, so maybe what he talks about is actualy
different, but that’s how I understand it myself and how I wish to create
my own object model).
it says “I declare that I act like a duck” that doesn’t mean “I am a duck”,
nothing prevents me from also being able to behave like an elephant or
even if in the end what i realy am is a completely different object.

while asking an obejct if he is able to execute a particular method is very
the interface idea is much more powerful and useful.
first, the method_can_do? can lead to confusion, maybe I tell you
yes I can switch on, and yes I can switch off…
so, as a general object manager-scheduler, when I fall in your grasp
you say "this one I can ‘pause’ and run later.
However, I’m part of a lightning control system, and all I do is switch
lights on and off.

the fact is, sooner or later, you’ll have to consider that after all, even
if my type isn’t realy important,
the can_you_do_that? idea is just as misleading, when you want me to
execute this method,
it’s not because of the method itself, but because you want me to “behave a
certain way”
(like a duck) I think it’s better to ask me if I can behave like a duck and
then ask me to quack,
then ask me if I can quack, and then make me do something totaly unrelated
to the “duck quacking idea”
(maybe I start “quack arena” :)).

But of course, those confusions could be avoided by chosing wisely the
method names (there will
however exist collisions, that’s unavoidable) and, clearly, in the very
same way, a duck interface
could be also confused, so the interface idea is not realy to prevent name
collisions, but
to show that in the end what you want is a global behavior, not just a
particular action…

But the great advantage of a whole interface presentation would be for
greater automated interactions
between objects, you could for instance, declare an object as being this-
interface-friendly and by simply
asociating them, have them work automaticaly together. behind a well
defined interface lie several methods
but also several “receptors” we’d know how to use.
I also hope ruby ducktyping goes in this direction, it would be of extreme
usefulness, especialy in the case of distributed ruby where we should be
able to make high level services interact intelligently with very few
“duck-taping” code in between.


Ben Giddings wrote:

Testing to see if the “read” method is supported is not really “duck typing”,
in the sense that you’re not really checking to see if it’s a duck. Just
because the object implements a certain method doesn’t mean that that method
does what you expect.

In certain cases, checking to see if a method exists is enough. The method
“to_str” is a prime example. If someone implements that method in a way that
doesn’t return a string, they deserve whatever problems they get. There are
plenty of examples of how to_str is used everywhere else, and the function
name is pretty descriptive. Other functions are less obvious.

This is a great summary of the kind of limits I place on relying on duck

The name of a method, by itself, rarely tells you everything that you
need to know about the method’s “contract”. Don’t get me wrong: I /like/
the idea of using #respond_to? instead of #is_a? when trying to
determine an object’s capabilities, but am very conservative with this
approach. If I’m checking for a method name that is extremely well
established by the standard library, and one for which no one in their
right mind would change the semantics (e.g. #to_str), then I’ll take
advantage of that. Otherwise I tend to shy away from this approach.

This might be a good thing to document, either on the Wiki or in the
next edition of Programming Ruby: what are some of the “standard” method
names that people should be aware of?

Hi –

Testing to see if the “read” method is supported is not really “duck typing”,
in the sense that you’re not really checking to see if it’s a duck. Just
because the object implements a certain method doesn’t mean that that method
does what you expect.

No specific thing you or I do in a program is “duck typing”. As Dave
Thomas explained, “duck typing” is a way of thinking about programming
in Ruby. It’s more a matter of “Ruby exhibits the ‘duck typing’
principle,” than a matter of “You can do duck typing in Ruby.”

(I know this sound perhaps ridiculous pedantic. But if this term’s
connotations get redefined, we’ll just have to come up with another term
to mean what Dave originally meant by “duck typing,” and that seems like
extra work :slight_smile:


As for the subject of why it is useful to implement a set of methods rather
than just the one you care about, consider a function like:

def dumpContents(obj)
if obj.respond_to? :write
obj.flush if obj.respond_to? :flush
obj.close if obj.respond_to? :close
elsif …

I think it would be much more clear if you could simply say:

def dumpContents(obj)
if obj.implements_interface? :WriteableIO
elsif …

You can certainly do something quite similar to that:

module WriteableIO


obj.extend(WriteableIO) # or include in class, or whatever

if obj.is_a?(WriteableIO)


but you still are playing in Ruby’s ballpark, which means that,
theoretically, obj could also have been extended by another module
which overrides WriteableIO’s methods, or have had one of those
methods overridden, and so on.

This is, I think, why many Ruby programmers are also fanatical unit



On Sat, 9 Aug 2003, Ben Giddings wrote:

David Alan Black

Ben Giddings wrote:

Ben Giddings wrote:
I agree with Ryan’s reply to you. If I only need the one method on the
object I’m interacting with – should that one call not be allowed
simply because all of the other methods that I don’t need aren’t
consistent with what it should be?

Ouch, this is one of the most difficult-to-understand sentences I’ve seen in a
long time.

Wow … you’re right. That’s ludicrous … must be Friday :slight_smile:

Back to your first post I replied to:

In Java you could check to see if something is of a certain class, but what
was more often done was to see if something implemented a certain interface.
Implementing an interface was a way of signalling “I declare myself to act
like a duck”. And the fact you implemented the interface meant that you had
all the necessary features to act like a duck. You weren’t allowed to
implement the interface and then only choose certain duck-like features.

It seems to me that duck-typing in Ruby should strive for the same thing.
Checking for one method isn’t enough, in my opinion.

I guess I just enjoy the freedom Ruby gives me. Statements like “You
weren’t allowed to implement the interface and then only choose certain
features” now bug me, because a required typing system has gotten in my
way too many times in my Delphi coding.

As David Black pointed out, Rubyists tend to be fanatical unit testers.
Quite possibly I’m just not writing complex enough systems where your
point would make more sense to me (honestly, not sarcastically) – I
automate tests on the stuff I write so it seems I don’t really have to
worry too much about contracts and the like. The places where I can just
stick in a method name and not be bound to all these contracts and class
hierarchy restrictions has been very pleasant.

Ironically, the few places I can think of that I am checking for this
sort of thing, I’m doing is_a? checks instead of responds_to? checks :slight_smile:


On Fri August 8 2003 2:36 pm, Chris Morris wrote:


Someone suggested that the discussion of what duck typing is is getting
away from how it was originally used.

Perhaps I’m confused, or I’m not explaining what I think in the correct
way, so I’ll try again.

Maybe a better way of phrasing the concepts of duck typing is contract

If you look at Java, interfaces more-or-less define contracts between
objects. If you have an interface Appendable, that’s a contract that
says an object will

a) Have a method append()
b) Implement that in a certain way

a) can be had in Ruby via respond_to?, the use of which isn’t required
for duck typing. b) can be had more explicitly by using modules.
However, modules, in my mind, are more for reusing code between class
hierarchies without requiring multiple inheritance, rather than for
defining what methods an object implements (although they could be used
for the latter).

If you really want to talk about duck typing, you’d be talking about an
example along the lines of:

def add_elements(foo)
foo << "a"
foo << "b"

This method accepts an array (foo) and adds two elements to it using the
append operator. However, looked at more abstractly, this method takes
any object for which << implies append in an array sense. We could
actually pass in a binary search tree where << adds an element to the
three, and it would work in a similar way. If we pass in a Fixnum where
<< is bitwise shift, then we’ve broken the contract.

In Java, you need interfaces for this. You could write:

void addElements(Array foo)

void addElements(BST foo)

But it’s easier to have both implement Appendable, and have addElements
work on anything that is Appendable. Java needs interfaces because of
static type checking. In ruby you can just assume that an object
implements things correctly and use it as such, which, I think, is the
idea of duck typing.

If you want to make it more general, you can add a respond_to? :<< and
respond_to? :append, since different objects might implement either or
both of those. However, the key idea is that in ruby, the contracts are
dynamic. Using Java interfaces, to some degree, forces you to follow
the contracts more explicitly, since you have to knowingly say you
implement a contract and continue to break that contract. However,
assuming that the contract is documented somewhere in the code, and
everybody follows that contract, then there is no need to explicitly
define modules or classes just to define the contract in code, rather
than leaving it in documentation. If you do define modules for each
semantic, then you end up with each of your classes including 10
different modules just so that code can check and see if a class follows
some contract (look through the Java standard library and you’ll see
many classes like this). You’re effectively turning ruby into a
statically typed language where all the type checking is done by you at

So another way of saying “duck typing” is “programming with implicit
contracts” or “implicit contract typing” or something like that, rather
than Java, where implicit is replaced with explicit. This is really
something of a feature of any language that isn’t statically typed. The
difference in the case of ruby is that, although you can check the class
of an object with is_a? (or something like that), there’s no way to tell
from the class itself whether it will satisfy the contract. You have to
assume it does.

So having respond_to? :quack doesn’t make it a duck. It’s also how quack
is implemented, and there’s no way to really check that without
testing. Duck typing means making assumptions.

Anyhow, that’s my take on it all, at the end of the day. I hope I’m not
too off base. If I am, then Dave can yell at me.

  • Dan

Dan Doel wrote:

So having respond_to? :quack doesn’t make it a duck. It’s also how quack
is implemented, and there’s no way to really check that without
testing. Duck typing means making assumptions.

Anyhow, that’s my take on it all, at the end of the day. I hope I’m not
too off base. If I am, then Dave can yell at me.

Great summary!

In general, if a Ruby programmer finds themselves using respond_to? too
much, I’d ask them ‘why?’.

If they’re switching on the result, then I’d recommend looking at
polymorphic solutions, or possibly double dispatch.

If they’re checking parameters, I’d suggest commenting out the check and
seeing what happens. :slight_smile:



I’m tacking on a big ME TOO to this post. From reading this thread, I
get the impression that folks are talking about Duck Typing as if it
involves using responds_to?.

Duck typing itself has little to do with using responds_to?. Duck
typing is what we do every day in Ruby where we don’t explicitly declare
types by inheriting from a classes or interfaces. We just implement the
methods needed (with the proper semantics).

The responds_to? thread has more to do with type discovery, which is a
pretty interesting topic itself (although I agree with Dave where he
says too much type discovery might be better served by polymorphism or
double dispatch).

Just don’t confuse type discovery (e.g. using responds_to?) with Duck


On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 15:50, wrote:

No specific thing you or I do in a program is “duck typing”. As Dave
Thomas explained, “duck typing” is a way of thinking about programming
in Ruby. It’s more a matter of “Ruby exhibits the ‘duck typing’
principle,” than a matter of “You can do duck typing in Ruby.”

– Jim Weirich

“Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct,
not tried it.” – Donald Knuth (in a memo to Peter van Emde Boas)

This is something like my approach to Duck Typing. The documentation of
my library says that this method parameter expects a Duck or similar.
The actual code does no checking of whether it’s a Duck or a Giraffe, or
even if it can quack; it just asks it to quack. If I’m feeling
particularly zealous, I even document what methods of Duck I actually
use. Then, it’s up to the user of my library: if they pass in a Goose,
and it can quack, good for them. If they pass in a Mouse, they can
expect things to break. It’s probably not the most robust of coding
styles, but I write my libraries for intelligent people (ie me), not to
be foolproof. Of course, I perform lots of sanity checking on my
end-user input. :wink:

Tim Bates


On Sat, Aug 09, 2003 at 06:46:26AM +0900, Dave Thomas wrote:

In general, if a Ruby programmer finds themselves using respond_to? too
much, I’d ask them ‘why?’.

If they’re switching on the result, then I’d recommend looking at
polymorphic solutions, or possibly double dispatch.

If they’re checking parameters, I’d suggest commenting out the check and
seeing what happens. :slight_smile:

Just as an aside, it’s respond_to? not responds_to?

(like Array#include? not being Array#includes?)




On Sat, Aug 09, 2003 at 08:29:24AM +0900, Jim Weirich wrote:

Duck typing itself has little to do with using responds_to?. Duck
typing is what we do every day in Ruby where we don’t explicitly declare
types by inheriting from a classes or interfaces. We just implement the
methods needed (with the proper semantics).

The responds_to? thread has more to do with type discovery

I guess that shows how often I use it. :slight_smile:


On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 03:22, Brian Candler wrote:

The responds_to? thread has more to do with type discovery

Just as an aside, it’s respond_to? not responds_to?

(like Array#include? not being Array#includes?)

– Jim Weirich

“Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct,
not tried it.” – Donald Knuth (in a memo to Peter van Emde Boas)


BTW, for people who actually care: If you’re “thinking
in English” in these situations (bothered by the lack
of a “s”), you can always insert a “does” in front of
the interrogative:

x.respond_to? y # Does x respond to y?
x.include? y # Does x include y?

Just my $0.01,


----- Original Message -----
From: “Jim Weirich”
To: “ruby-talk ML”
Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 8:22 AM
Subject: Re: Ducktype, right?

On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 03:22, Brian Candler wrote:

The responds_to? thread has more to do with type discovery

Just as an aside, it’s respond_to? not responds_to?

(like Array#include? not being Array#includes?)

I guess that shows how often I use it. :slight_smile:

Hal Fulton

Nice thought, although it still doesn’t read very well with “if” or

if does x.respond_to? y


Maybe “if x does respond_to? y”, or “if x can/will respond_to? y”




On Sun, Aug 10, 2003 at 03:21:27AM +0900, Hal E. Fulton wrote:

BTW, for people who actually care: If you’re “thinking
in English” in these situations (bothered by the lack
of a “s”), you can always insert a “does” in front of
the interrogative:

x.respond_to? y # Does x respond to y?
x.include? y # Does x include y?

Just my $0.01,