DrbUndumped and GC

if one has a drb server that returns objects extended by DrbUndumped to the
client, how is garbage collection done? eg.

   class Proxy
     include DrbUndumped

   class Server
     def method
       return Proxy::new

so the client will have a handle on the Proxy, and so will the client. how
will the server know when the client no longer needs the handle and gc the
object? POLS says the object would be gc'd in the client as normal and that
this would trigger the gc on the server. but what if more than one client has
a handle on the server side proxy? now we are reference counting across
remote nodes. my gut says this could get one in trouble quickly if many
DrbUndumped objects were being returned to many clients, or even if a single
DrbUndumped object was returned to many clients...

i'm about to dig into the code and run some tests to see - but am hoping some
of you drb experts out there may already have done this :wink:





EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
A flower falls, even though we love it;
and a weed grows, even though we do not love it. --Dogen


How about TimerIdConv?

   require 'drb/timeridconv'



I like the following simple approach.

   class Server
     def initialize
       @proxy = Proxy.new
     def method


On 2004/09/23, at 10:14, Ara.T.Howard wrote:

so the client will have a handle on the Proxy, and so will the client. how
will the server know when the client no longer needs the handle and gc the
object? POLS says the object would be gc'd in the client as normal and that
this would trigger the gc on the server. but what if more than one client has
a handle on the server side proxy? now we are reference counting across
remote nodes. my gut says this could get one in trouble quickly if many
DrbUndumped objects were being returned to many clients, or even if a single
DrbUndumped object was returned to many clients...

i'm about to dig into the code and run some tests to see - but am hoping some
of you drb experts out there may already have done this :wink:

if one has a drb server that returns objects extended by DrbUndumped to the
client, how is garbage collection done? eg.

  class Proxy
    include DrbUndumped

  class Server
    def method
      return Proxy::new

so the client will have a handle on the Proxy, and so will the client. how
will the server know when the client no longer needs the handle and gc the
object? POLS says the object would be gc'd in the client as normal and that
this would trigger the gc on the server. but what if more than one client has
a handle on the server side proxy? now we are reference counting across
remote nodes. my gut says this could get one in trouble quickly if many
DrbUndumped objects were being returned to many clients, or even if a single
DrbUndumped object was returned to many clients...

Nope, DRb is not that smart by default. Your Proxy instance is immediately available for garbage collection. You want to use a different IdConv class to ensure objects don't get GC'd before they're supposed to, or don't get GC'd until your clients are done using them.

i'm about to dig into the code and run some tests to see - but am hoping some
of you drb experts out there may already have done this :wink:


Shows how the various id conversion classes work with DRb, letting you control how and when objects get GC'd.

A ref-counting IdConv would be a nifty add-on to DRb.

- -- Eric Hodel - drbrain@segment7.net - http://segment7.net
All messages signed with fingerprint:
FEC2 57F1 D465 EB15 5D6E 7C11 332A 551C 796C 9F04


On Sep 22, 2004, at 6:14 PM, Ara.T.Howard wrote:

in my case the code is

   require 'drb'
   require 'detach'
   class JobRunner
     include DRbUndumped
     attr :job
     attr :jid
     attr :cid
     alias pid cid
     attr :shell
     attr :command
     attr :status
     def initialize job
       @status = nil
       @job = job
       @jid = job['jid']
       @command = job['command']
       @shell = job['shell'] || 'bash'
       @r,@w = IO.pipe
       @cid =
         #Util::fork do
         fork do
           STDIN.reopen @r
           if File::basename(@shell) == 'bash' || File::basename(@shell) == 'sh'
             exec [@shell, "__rq_job__#{ @jid }__#{ File.basename(@shell) }__"], '--login'
             exec [@shell, "__rq_job__#{ @jid }__#{ File.basename(@shell) }__"], '-l'
     def run
       @w.puts @command
     def wait2 flags = 0
       pid, status = Process::waitpid2 @cid, flags
       @status = status
       [pid, status]
     def wait flags = 0
   class JobRunnerDaemon
     class << self
       def new(*a,&b)
     def runner(*a,&b)
     alias new_runner runner
     alias runner_new runner
     %w( wait wait2 waitpid waitpid2 ).each do |m|
       eval "def #{ m }(*a,&b);Process::#{ m }(*a,&b);end"
   JobRunD = JobRunnerDaemon

i need an object that can fork for me in another process. i can't fork in the
current process due to some compilcations with sqlite and open files carried
across forks. so i'm creating potentially dozens of these JobRunner objects
and using


to do a blocking wait on their completion (also some non-blocking waits but
that's an impl detail).

it works great now, i was just worrying about the GC - now i know i should be.
because i should always do some sort of wait on the JobRunner's i can probably
hook something into the 'def runner' method that registers the objects in a
class datastructure (preventing gc) and hook something into the wait* methods
that does the wait and removes them from this structure.

i'll check out DRb::TimerIdConv tomorrow and get back to you.

btw. thanks VERY much for the speedy reply! this mailing list is amazing!




On Thu, 23 Sep 2004, Masatoshi SEKI wrote:

How about TimerIdConv?

  require 'drb/timeridconv'



I like the following simple approach.

  class Server
    def initialize
      @proxy = Proxy.new
    def method


EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
A flower falls, even though we love it;
and a weed grows, even though we do not love it. --Dogen


Nope, DRb is not that smart by default. Your Proxy instance is immediately
available for garbage collection. You want to use a different IdConv class
to ensure objects don't get GC'd before they're supposed to, or don't get
GC'd until your clients are done using them.

my gut was right.

i'm about to dig into the code and run some tests to see - but am hoping
some of you drb experts out there may already have done this :wink:


awesome. i browsed quickly and will have to read completely tomorrow. thanks
for putting this together.

Shows how the various id conversion classes work with DRb, letting you
control how and when objects get GC'd.

A ref-counting IdConv would be a nifty add-on to DRb.

that's essentially what i'm going to do (see my post to Masatoshi) -
simplified since i know there will only every be 1 reference held.

i was just doing some searching and came across some other posts by you on
this matter - i'm very glad we have a resident drb expert on the list. thanks
alot for the replies and docs.

more tomorrow...




On Thu, 23 Sep 2004, Eric Hodel wrote:

EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
A flower falls, even though we love it;
and a weed grows, even though we do not love it. --Dogen


Shows how the various id conversion classes work with DRb, letting you
control how and when objects get GC'd.

A ref-counting IdConv would be a nifty add-on to DRb.

that's essentially what i'm going to do (see my post to Masatoshi) -
simplified since i know there will only every be 1 reference held.

DRb::NamedIdConv may be of use also. It allows clients to die, then come back and pick their reference back up. Also look at TupleSpace, its a good place to store things like distributed refcounts since it takes care of atomic updates. (How best to do this is not obvious, and a great book on the subject is no longer in print. Give a holler if you decide to use it and need clues.)

i was just doing some searching and came across some other posts by you on
this matter - i'm very glad we have a resident drb expert on the list. thanks
alot for the replies and docs.


- -- Eric Hodel - drbrain@segment7.net - http://segment7.net
All messages signed with fingerprint:
FEC2 57F1 D465 EB15 5D6E 7C11 332A 551C 796C 9F04


On Sep 22, 2004, at 7:14 PM, Ara.T.Howard@noaa.gov wrote:

On Thu, 23 Sep 2004, Eric Hodel wrote:


here's what i ended up with. this is an excerpt from a much larger peice of
code, but it runs standalone and i think it's pretty clear what's happening
but here's a little explanation anyways:

the JobRunnerDaemon exists to that my process can fork without forking - it
forks in another process on my behalf. other than handling the reaping of the
forked children this is all it's really for. basically i just need a handle
to track the forked children and a way to reap them in the normal
blocking/non-blocking (WNOHANG, etc) way.

JobRunnerDaemon#gen_runner is the method of interest. it returns a new
JobRunner but maintains a reference by loading it into a hash (@runners). all the
various wait methods delete the runner from the hash. this daemon is used by
one, and only one, process at a time in a single threaded fashoin so i think
this approach is safe:

   - handle on returned DRbUndumped objects is maintained on both client and
     server so nothing should evaporate on me

   - due to the use case (wait) there is a point in the code when i know the
     object can be recycled (reference lost) and this is leveraged by
     automatically disgarding the reference at that point

the code:

   require 'drb'
   require 'detach'
   class JobRunner
     include DRbUndumped
     attr :job
     attr :jid
     attr :cid
     alias pid cid
     attr :shell
     attr :command
     attr :status
     def initialize job
       @status = nil
       @job = job
       @jid = job['jid']
       @command = job['command']
       @shell = job['shell'] || 'bash'
       @r,@w = IO.pipe
       @cid =
         #Util::fork do
         fork do
           STDIN.reopen @r
           if File::basename(@shell) == 'bash' || File::basename(@shell) == 'sh'
             exec [@shell, "__rq_job__#{ @jid }__#{ File.basename(@shell) }__"], '--login'
             exec [@shell, "__rq_job__#{ @jid }__#{ File.basename(@shell) }__"], '-l'
     def run
       @w.puts @command
   class JobRunnerDaemon
     class << self
       def new(*a,&b)
     attr :runners
     def initialize
       @runners = {}
     def gen_runner(*a,&b)
       r = JobRunner::new(*a,&b)
       @runners[r.pid] = r
     def wait
       pid = Process::wait
       @runners.delete pid
     def wait2
       pid, status = Process::wait2
       @runners.delete pid
       [pid, status]
     def waitpid pid = -1, flags = 0
       pid = Process::waitpid pid, flags
       @runners.delete pid if pid
     def waitpid2 pid = -1, flags = 0
       pid, status = Process::waitpid2 pid, flags
       @runners.delete pid if pid
       [pid, status]
   JobRunD = JobRunnerDaemon


On Thu, 23 Sep 2004, Eric Hodel wrote:

DRb::NamedIdConv may be of use also. It allows clients to die, then come
back and pick their reference back up. Also look at TupleSpace, its a good
place to store things like distributed refcounts since it takes care of
atomic updates. (How best to do this is not obvious, and a great book on
the subject is no longer in print. Give a holler if you decide to use it
and need clues.)

   # baby test - watch in top for memory leaks
   if $0 == __FILE__
     STDOUT.sync = true
     loop do
     # spawn a bunch of jobs on the server
       rand(42).times do
         r=d.gen_runner 'jid'=>42,'command'=>'echo $$'
     # reap them
       loop do
           pid, status = d.waitpid2
           if pid
             p [pid, status]
         rescue Errno::ECHILD

any comments welcome.

kind regards.


EMAIL :: Ara [dot] T [dot] Howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
PHONE :: 303.497.6469
A flower falls, even though we love it;
and a weed grows, even though we do not love it. --Dogen
