Double singleton?

Hello all.

Noticed this behavior:

require 'singleton'

=> true

class A; include Singleton; end

=> A


=> #<A:0x3703c38>

class A; include Singleton; end

=> A


=> #<A:0x36d7a60>

A second singleton?



Posted via\.

From singleton.rb:

  def included(klass)
    klass.private_class_method :new, :allocate
    klass.extend SingletonClassMethods

and a bit earlier:

  def __init__(klass)
    klass.instance_eval { @__instance__ = nil }

Perhaps that should be instead:

    klass.instance_eval { @__instance__ = nil unless defined?
@__instance__ }

Or somewhat more obscure, I think this would do:

    klass.instance_eval { @__instance__ ||= nil }


Posted via

Roger Pack wrote in post #986564:

Hello all.

Noticed this behavior:

require 'singleton'

=> true

class A; include Singleton; end

=> A


=> #<A:0x3703c38>

I looked through the ruby docs and neither Object, Module, Class, nor
Singelton have a method named 'instance'. Where does that come from?


Posted via\.

9998 % ri Singleton
= Singleton

(from ruby core)


On Mar 9, 2011, at 14:34 , 7stud -- wrote:

Roger Pack wrote in post #986564:

Hello all.

Noticed this behavior:

require 'singleton'

=> true

class A; include Singleton; end

=> A


=> #<A:0x3703c38>

I looked through the ruby docs and neither Object, Module, Class, nor
Singelton have a method named 'instance'. Where does that come from?

The Singleton module implements the Singleton pattern.

       class Klass
          include Singleton
          # ...

* this ensures that only one instance of Klass lets call it ``the instance''
  can be created.

  a,b = Klass.instance, Klass.instance a == b # => true #
  NoMethodError - new is private ...

* ``The instance'' is created at instantiation time, in other words the first
  call of Klass.instance(), thus

          class OtherKlass
            include Singleton
            # ...