Does parseexcel work on OS X?

Anyone using parseexcel on a PowerPC Mac? Any tips as to how to get
this working? Is it possible that I have an issue with big endian vs
little endian data? When I dump the contents of the spreadsheet with
puts, I see nornal-looking ASCII strings that I'm expecting to find.

I'm getting this when trying to read a spreadsheet I download with curl
& am attempting to extract data from:

Errno::EINVAL: Invalid argument - ��ࡱ�

method initialize in olestorage.rb at line 107
method initialize in olestorage.rb at line 107
method parse in parser.rb at line 172
method parse in parseexcel.rb at line 10
at top level in myScript.rb at line 40


unknown wrote:

Anyone using parseexcel on a PowerPC Mac? Any tips as to how to get
this working? Is it possible that I have an issue with big endian vs
little endian data? When I dump the contents of the spreadsheet with
puts, I see nornal-looking ASCII strings that I'm expecting to find.

I'm getting this when trying to read a spreadsheet I download with curl
& am attempting to extract data from:

Errno::EINVAL: Invalid argument - ��ࡱ�

method initialize in olestorage.rb at line 107
method initialize in olestorage.rb at line 107
method parse in parser.rb at line 172
method parse in parseexcel.rb at line 10
at top level in myScript.rb at line 40


I saw the same thing on Solaris/Sparc. The size limitations of the
library were a problem for me anyways, so I just used Perl to create the
spreadsheet. Sorry, I know that's not terribly helpful -- just wanted
to let you know that you're not going crazy.


Posted via\.

Not familiar with parseexcel, but FWIW if you've a copy of Excel
available then you could use rb-appscript to extract your data via
Excel's AppleScript interface.



··· wrote:

Anyone using parseexcel on a PowerPC Mac?


Works fine for reading in text data from Excel files (which is all I use it for). Not sure if this is just my lack of understanding, but I did have to write some code to parse date values correctly, and I couldn't read some formula-derived text values.



On Dec 3, 2006, at 4:30 AM, has wrote: wrote:

Anyone using parseexcel on a PowerPC Mac?

Not familiar with parseexcel, but FWIW if you've a copy of Excel
available then you could use rb-appscript to extract your data via
Excel's AppleScript interface.