Documentation as source

trans. (T. Onoma) []

In that case there is always markup:

     # <example>
     # # This creates a Regexp which will match 3 "foo"s.
     # re = Regexp::English.literal("foo" * 3)
     # re.match("foofoofoo")[0] # => "foofoofoo"
     # </example>

hmm. why do I get an inkling that this might be a good idea.
With ruby-comment+markups, one could convert comments to html and vv; with
an added advantage of being able to run example outputs on web...

and then do something like

webify(ruby_code_w_comments) #run samples fr code/comment to web
rubify(html_wrapped_ruby_code) #save sample ouputs fr web back to

kind regards -botp