Digest Articles 258776-258986 (11/21) (ruby-talk ML)

From: "Gregory Brown" <gregory.t.brown@gmail.com>
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 23:44:08 +0900
Subject: [ANN] Ruport Book Roundtable Discussion, 2007.07.16
Keeping with the notion of 'incredibly open' development of the Ruport
Book[0], we're planning an IRC meeting for next Monday evening, 9pm

Mike and I will both be present and anyone who's been tracking our
progress so far on the book or just has questions or suggestions is
welcome to stop by #ruport and give us their two cents[1]

We'll be posting the "Introduction To Ruport" section by the weekend,
so there should be lots to talk about. Because we're doing this on
our own, community feedback is super-important to us, so anyone who
can attend and give us some suggestions, please do.

warm regards,

[0] http://ruportbook.com

[1] Or, if you want to give us real $0.02 :

I believe that's what I was looking for. Thanks a lot, Masao-san.


On 7/12/07, ruby-talk-admin@ruby-lang.org <ruby-talk-admin@ruby-lang.org> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Masao Mutoh <mutoh@highway.ne.jp>

To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 23:48:23 +0900
Subject: Re: Ruby Messaging Library

On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 22:40:30 +0900 > "Douglas Tan" <bianster@gmail.com> wrote:

> I vaguely recall reading about a Ruby messaging library written by 2
> Japanese developers which was put into high volume production usage. I'm
> trying to gather more information about this piece of software as well
> other Ruby messaging systems like ActiveMessaging.
> I would be grateful if anyone on the list is able to remember the name
> the library I'm referring to.

ap4r ?


.:% Masao Mutoh<mutoh@highway.ne.jp>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Robert Dober" <robert.dober@gmail.com>
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 23:54:16 +0900
Subject: Re: Yield should be renamed call_block
On 7/11/07, Phrogz <phrogz@mac.com> wrote:
> This native-English speaker concurs: "accept" is not at all a good
> method name for a block/proc to say "please run yourself". Better I
> think is (as I already posted) "run". :slight_smile: It's both short and
> representative.
I support my supporters :wink:
#run is great ( I can live with #call though, notwithstanding your
correct reasoning against it )


I always knew that one day Smalltalk would replace Java.
I just didn't know it would be called Ruby
-- Kent Beck

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeffrey Bowen <ja_bowen@yahoo.com>
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 23:55:29 +0900
Subject: running linux command from inside
I've ran a search in ruby-talk but I couldn't find an
answer so...

Can I run a linux command inside a ruby program. Like

=> 63 history
history -d63

Jeff Bowen

Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who
knows. Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Robert Dober" <robert.dober@gmail.com>
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 23:57:26 +0900
Subject: Re: Religion (was: god 0.1.0 released)
On 7/11/07, Michel Belleville <michel.belleville@gmail.com> wrote:
> And now abortion.
You are a great spotter :slight_smile:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Jano Svitok" <jan.svitok@gmail.com>
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 00:01:48 +0900
Subject: Re: running linux command from inside
On 7/11/07, Jeffrey Bowen <ja_bowen@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I've ran a search in ruby-talk but I couldn't find an
> answer so...
> Can I run a linux command inside a ruby program. Like
> history
> => 63 history
> history -d63

You are probably looking for `` or Kernel#system.

for example: puts `ls /etc`

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Gregory Brown" <gregory.t.brown@gmail.com>
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 00:03:48 +0900
Subject: Re: [ANN] Ruport Book Roundtable Discussion, 2007.07.16
On 7/11/07, Gregory Brown <gregory.t.brown@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mike and I will both be present and anyone who's been tracking our
> progress so far on the book or just has questions or suggestions is
> welcome to stop by #ruport and give us their two cents

Just for clarity, this is #ruport on irc.freenode.net on Monday
2007.07.16 at 9pm EDT

Sorry for the double post.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Igor Wasinski <errorval@gmail.com>
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 00:04:50 +0900
Subject: Re: win32ole: application.quit() leave process running
List Rb wrote:
> Interesting. If you exit the ruby/IRB instance, the EXCEL process will
> close, but not until then.

This also happens when you Ctrl-C Mongrel instance on which the app is
running. Once Mongrel is killed, EXCEL.EXE process also disappears from
Windows Task Manager

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rob Hunter <rob.hunter@gmail.com>
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 00:08:05 +0900
Subject: Re: Creating a language -- HTML + a few special tags
This is great! Thank you both so much for your replies.


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brad Phelan <phelan@tttech.ttt>
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 00:10:20 +0900
Subject: Re: god 0.1.0 released
Todd Burch wrote:
> Florian Frank wrote:
>> Why? At least now the name refers to *something*.
> I've never seen a "name" that didn't refer to something. Perhaps you
> meant "implies" something. And yes, it implies a sense of arrogance on
> Tom's part.
> And your comment, Benj, about the Gaming industry already doing it - so
> it must be "ok"... and your initial thoughts on objections for the use
> of the name, and then signing as "mostly agnostic"... You sir - have
> given me the best laugh of the day! Your first thoughts must have come
> from your non-"mostly agnostic" side, and by the definition of agnostic,
> you are uncertain anyway. So, your post is a trip, (a riot, it's
> hilarious), anyway you look at it! And yes, in this case, it's
> perfectly relevant.
> Perhaps its my age (44), which to some might suggest a certain level of
> maturity and/or discretion, but I would have spent a bit more mental
> time to come up with a name, like I said before, that was more
> appropriate, or perhaps, OK, I'll quit beating around the bush on my
> real feelings - less inappropriate.
> But, being a candidate for an old fuddy-duddy, I could be looking at
> this all wrong too. With God (the real one) being taken out of schools,
> and His commandments being taken out of our courthouses, and in all the
> other ways society has found to remove or otherwise pidgeon-hole God out
> of our lives, perhaps this reference, however infinitesimally minute in
> the scheme of things, will raise someone's curiosity enough to do some
> exploration for themselves on the matter.
> One last comment. Yes, this name choice, as we've already seen, will be
> the brunt of jokes and snickering, but in the end, you (Tom) have set a
> pretty big expectation for the usefulness and quality of your wares.
> Good luck with your project. (P.S. yeah, I know, "luck" is a pagan
> thing!)
> Todd
> Now, before anyone gets their knickers in a twist on my comments - take
> a deep breath, relax, and realize that I have not personally attacked
> anyone. Might I have made fun of you? Well, that depends!

A few comments on this amusingly off topic thread.

(1) Larry Wall, a legendary programmer and committed Christian founded
the Perl programming language and littered it with religious allusions.

(2) The history of literature music and culture is full of the borrowing
of others symbols for selfish purposes better or worse. The early
Christian church was not innocent and borrowed many former Pagan
symbols. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"???

(3) If Tom want to name his project "G.d" them let him be. Persecuting
those claiming divinity has a historical tendency to make the said
target of the persecution more popular, eventually becoming in the eyes
of the faithful the very thing the persecutor took offense with in the
first place.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bertram Scharpf <lists@bertram-scharpf.de>
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 00:48:50 +0900
Subject: Re: running linux command from inside

Am Mittwoch, 11. Jul 2007, 23:55:29 +0900 schrieb Jeffrey Bowen:
> Can I run a linux command inside a ruby program. Like
> history
> => 63 history
> history -d63

`history' is not a Linux "command", it is a Bash command.

What for do you need a command history when you're not on a
command line?


Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: wbp@nodomain.invalid (Will Parsons)
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 00:55:01 +0900
Subject: Re: Religion (was: god 0.1.0 released)
Michal Suchanek wrote:
> On 11/07/07, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky <znmeb@cesmail.net> wrote:
>> Well, I for one don't like the name "kill" for a command/system call
>> that merely sends a *signal* to a process. "kill" is simply one of the
>> possible signals it can send. I would have called it "signal". It has
>> nothing to do with the offensiveness or lack thereof of the name --
>> simply an overspecialized name for a more general function.
> However, there was no command completion back then. Kill is shorter,
> easier to type, even one-handed while eating pizza :wink:
> Note that the function in C is called signal, only the user command is

Actually, no. The C equivalent of the kill command is kill(). (At least
on POSIX-type platforms, that is. There is no equivalent in the standard
C library - signal() has another purpose.)

- Will

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Todd Burch <promos@burchwoodusa.com>
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 00:59:11 +0900
Subject: Re: win32ole: application.quit() leave process running
Sam Smoot wrote:
> Set xlapp.Visible = true (at least I *think* that's the param for
> visibility, it's been awhile).
> It's probably a modal dialog asking you to save or something
> preventing it from closing. You'll need to dismiss that first
> (programmatically of course).

Yes, that's the right property. I'm running with visibility on, and
there aren't any outstanding dialogs awaiting a response. Wish it were

Good idea on the env. varaible setup. Sweet!


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bharat Ruparel <bruparel@mercury.com>
To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org (ruby-talk ML)
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 01:08:05 +0900
Subject: Re: running linux command from inside
Bertram Scharpf wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Mittwoch, 11. Jul 2007, 23:55:29 +0900 schrieb Jeffrey Bowen:
>> Can I run a linux command inside a ruby program. Like
>> history
>> => 63 history
>> history -d63
> `history' is not a Linux "command", it is a Bash command.
> What for do you need a command history when you're not on a
> command line?
> Bertram

Since it is a Bash specific command why can't you just run a Bash
command file using `` or system commands? That command file can contain
the Bash specific invocaion commands in the first line or any other
language for that matter. I don't think it is a good idea to make your
client aware of the specificity of the called program.

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Practical_Guile << http://practicalguile.com