Hello. I have allocated a pointer using DL.malloc:
window = DL.malloc(DL.sizeof('P'))
At times in my code I have to pass a pointer this pointer, and at
other times I have to pass in the value of the pointer itself. Does
anybody know how to dereference PtrData?
Hello. I have allocated a pointer using DL.malloc:
window = DL.malloc(DL.sizeof('P'))
At times in my code I have to pass a pointer this pointer, and at
other times I have to pass in the value of the pointer itself. Does
anybody know how to dereference PtrData?
Carl Youngblood
I believe that if you have a variable 'x' that is a DL::PtrData instance, you can do:
y = x.ref #-> get pointer to the pointer x
z = y.ptr #-> obtain the value that y points to, as a PtrData
assert x == z
I only tried this in IRB, but it appears to work as I described it.
Thanks Jamis. Now I have another problem. How do I get a pointer to
a pointer? Let's say I've just allocated a pointer with:
mypointer = DL.malloc(DL.sizeof('P'))
How do I get a pointer to that pointer? mypointer.to_p doesn't seem to work.
Anybody know?
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 03:51:07 +0900, Jamis Buck <jgb3@email.byu.edu> wrote:
Carl Youngblood wrote:
> Hello. I have allocated a pointer using DL.malloc:
> window = DL.malloc(DL.sizeof('P'))
> At times in my code I have to pass a pointer this pointer, and at
> other times I have to pass in the value of the pointer itself. Does
> anybody know how to dereference PtrData?
> Thanks,
> Carl Youngblood
I believe that if you have a variable 'x' that is a DL::PtrData
instance, you can do:
y = x.ref #-> get pointer to the pointer x
z = y.ptr #-> obtain the value that y points to, as a PtrData
assert x == z
I only tried this in IRB, but it appears to work as I described it.
Thanks Jamis. Now I have another problem. How do I get a pointer to
a pointer? Let's say I've just allocated a pointer with:
mypointer = DL.malloc(DL.sizeof('P'))
How do I get a pointer to that pointer? mypointer.to_p doesn't seem to work.
Try "mypointer.ptr".
Then "mypointer.ref" to dereference the pointer.
(Did I misunderstand your original question? Because my answer to your first question actually answers this one, too, unless I'm completely confused, which is likely...)
What do you think of the following patch to dl/doc/dl.txt? The first time I
used PtrData#ptr and PtrData#ref I had to look in the source code to see
what they did.
--- dl.txt Sun Jan 12 06:28:59 2003
+++ dl-new.txt Fri Oct 29 13:09:28 2004
@@ -198,10 +198,12 @@
string is '\0'.
* ptr = PtrData#ptr,+@
- * returns the pointed value as a PtrData object ptr.
+ * returns the dereferenced value as a PtrData object ptr.
+ this is like `*ptr' in C.
* ptr = PtrData#ref,-@
* returns the reference as a PtrData object ptr.
+ this is like `&ptr' in C.
* ptr = PtrData#+
* returns the PtrData object
In article <41816603.30703@email.byu.edu>, Jamis Buck wrote:
Jamis Buck wrote:
Carl Youngblood wrote:
Thanks Jamis. Now I have another problem. How do I get a pointer to
a pointer? Let's say I've just allocated a pointer with:
mypointer = DL.malloc(DL.sizeof('P'))
How do I get a pointer to that pointer? mypointer.to_p doesn't seem
to work.
Try "mypointer.ptr".
Then "mypointer.ref" to dereference the pointer.
Ack. Other way around. PtrData#ptr dereferences a pointer, while
PtrData#ref obtains a pointer to the pointer in question.
Ack. Other way around. PtrData#ptr dereferences a pointer, while
PtrData#ref obtains a pointer to the pointer in question.
What do you think of the following patch to dl/doc/dl.txt? The first time
used PtrData#ptr and PtrData#ref I had to look in the source code to see
what they did.
--- dl.txt Sun Jan 12 06:28:59 2003
+++ dl-new.txt Fri Oct 29 13:09:28 2004
@@ -198,10 +198,12 @@
string is '\0'.
* ptr = PtrData#ptr,+@
- * returns the pointed value as a PtrData object ptr.
+ * returns the dereferenced value as a PtrData object ptr.
+ this is like `*ptr' in C.
* ptr = PtrData#ref,-@
* returns the reference as a PtrData object ptr.
+ this is like `&ptr' in C.