Declaratively caching results of a method


I have a class Foo which has a number of heavy, CPU intensive, number
crunching methods that take parameters.

class Foo
  attr_reader :x, :y, ...

  def calc1(a,b,c)
    ...# complicated, time-consuming calculation...
  def calc2(a,b)
    ...# complicated, time-consuming calculation...

Foo is immutable. If a client calls a method more than once using the
same set of parameters, the same result will be calculated and

To avoid the work of recalculating a result if a client calls a method
more than once with the same set of parameters, I revised Foo to cache
results in a hash for each method for each set of parameters. The
keys in the hashes are arrays of parameters.

class Foo
  def calc1(a,b,c)
    param_array = [a,b,c]
    @cache_calc1 ||= {}
    return @cache_calc1[param_array] if @cache_calc1[param_array]

    ans = ... #same complicated, time-consuming calculation...
    @cache_calc1[param_array] = ans

  def calc2(a,b)
    param_array = [a,b]
    @cache_calc2 ||= {}
    return @cache_calc2[param_array] if @cache_calc2[param_array]

    ans = ... #same complicated, time-consuming calculation...
    @cache_calc2[param_array] = ans

This works great -- calculations for a given set of parameters on
each method are now done only once. However, the code seems rote,
repetitive and intrusive to the original methods.

Is there a way to do this in Ruby in a more declarative, more DRY way?
I am envisioning it should be possible to add a simple, single line to
the original Foo, a la

class Foo
  cache_calculation :calc1, :calc2

  #rest of Foo unchanged

My newbie ruby skills are not up to task writing such a
cache_calculation method on Class, to wrap and call the original
method and provide the caching, but it seems it should be simple to

class Class
  def cache_calculation(syms)
    syms.each do |sym|

Can anyone provide the necessary snippet or otherwise advise or point
me to a solution to this?



You could check out Daniel Berger's memoize (based on Nobu Nokada's
original I think) on RAA (\).
Quoting from the project page:

require "memoize"
include Memoize

# Inefficient fibonacci method
def fib(n)
return n if n < 2
fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

fib(100) # Slow

fib(100) # Fast




On 10/17/05, Brian Buckley <> wrote:

Can anyone provide the necessary snippet or otherwise advise or point
me to a solution to this?

class Module
  def once_with_args(*methods)
    methods.each do |m|
      class_eval <<-"END_OF_EVAL"
        alias_method :__once_with_args__#{m.to_i}__, :#{m.to_s}
        private :__once_with_args__#{m.to_i}__

        def #{m.to_s}(*args, &block)
          fail "Object shoul be frozen" unless frozen?
          fail "Block handling is not yet implemented in once_with_args" if block_given?
          @@__once_with_args__ ||= {}
          @@__once_with_args__[#{m.to_i}] ||= {}
          @@__once_with_args__[#{m.to_i}][args] ||= __once_with_args__#{m.to_i}__(*args)
            # We should handle &block as parameter, since it might be different each time. I don't know how to do this...

class Foo
  def calc1(a,b,c)
    p [:org_calc1, [a, b, c]] # DEBUG
    1 #same complicated, time-consuming calculation...

  def calc2(a,b)
    p [:org_calc2, [a, b]] # DEBUG
    2 #same complicated, time-consuming calculation...

  once_with_args :calc1
  once_with_args :calc2

Ignore my previous post...
It didn't handle multiple objects...
Yes, it was stupid...

class Module
  def once_with_args(*methods)
    methods.each do |m|
      class_eval <<-"END_OF_EVAL"
        alias_method :__once_with_args__#{m.to_i}__, :#{m.to_s}
        private :__once_with_args__#{m.to_i}__

        def #{m.to_s}(*args, &block)
          fail "Object should be frozen" unless frozen?
          fail "Block handling is not yet implemented in once_with_args" if block_given?
          @@__once_with_args__ ||= {}
          @@__once_with_args__[self] ||= {}
          @@__once_with_args__[self][#{m.to_i}] ||= {}
          @@__once_with_args__[self][#{m.to_i}][args] ||= __once_with_args__#{m.to_i}__(*args)
            # We should handle &block as parameter, since it might be different each time. I don't know how to do this...

class Foo
  def calc1(a,b,c)
    p [:org_calc1, [a, b, c]] # DEBUG
    1 #same complicated, time-consuming calculation...

  def calc2(a,b)
    p [:org_calc2, [a, b]] # DEBUG
    2 #same complicated, time-consuming calculation...

  once_with_args :calc1
  once_with_args :calc2

You could check out Daniel Berger's memoize (based on Nobu Nokada's
original I think) on RAA (\).

Thank you and wowser! memoize seems to do just what I'd been looking
to do. A handful of lines. I can see it works.

#my test code
f =
f.calc1(1,2,3) #yep its working
f.calc1(7,8,9) #yep its working

If I can ask a Ruby 101 question about it... Isn't "cache" in the
module (pasted below in its entirety it is so short) only a local
variable? Why does is retain state? How can one, for example, access
the cache to see the state of the cache?



module Memoize
   MEMOIZE_VERSION = "1.0.0"
   def memoize(name)
      meth = method(name)
      cache = {}
      (class << self; self; end).class_eval do
         define_method(name) do |*args|
            cache[args] ||=*args)

Actually, I know there is a method or module in the nano/mega packages
that is called memoize, it basically caches results of a call based on
input as a signature.

may be useful to you.



On 10/17/05, Erik Veenstra <> wrote:

Ignore my previous post...
It didn't handle multiple objects...
Yes, it was stupid...

class Module
  def once_with_args(*methods)
    methods.each do |m|
      class_eval <<-"END_OF_EVAL"
        alias_method :__once_with_args__#{m.to_i}__, :#{m.to_s}
        private :__once_with_args__#{m.to_i}__

        def #{m.to_s}(*args, &block)
          fail "Object should be frozen" unless frozen?
          fail "Block handling is not yet implemented in once_with_args" if block_given?
          @@__once_with_args__ ||= {}
          @@__once_with_args__[self] ||= {}
          @@__once_with_args__[self][#{m.to_i}] ||= {}
          @@__once_with_args__[self][#{m.to_i}][args] ||= __once_with_args__#{m.to_i}__(*args)
            # We should handle &block as parameter, since it might be different each time. I don't know how to do this...

class Foo
  def calc1(a,b,c)
    p [:org_calc1, [a, b, c]] # DEBUG
    1 #same complicated, time-consuming calculation...

  def calc2(a,b)
    p [:org_calc2, [a, b]] # DEBUG
    2 #same complicated, time-consuming calculation...

  once_with_args :calc1
  once_with_args :calc2

" -- do you ruby?"

Jeff Wood

if you look at the examples ... normally you include the Memoize
functionality in your class

class Foo
  include Memoize

  def calc1( *args )
    # do something here

  memoize :calc1

f =
f.calc1( 1,2,3 )
f.calc1( 1,2,3 )
f.calc1( 7,8,9 )


it's a mixin, the functionality becomes a part of the functionality of
the class, wrapping calls to self with the individual object it was
included from.

hope that makes sense.



On 10/17/05, Brian Buckley <> wrote:

> You could check out Daniel Berger's memoize (based on Nobu Nokada's
> original I think) on RAA (\).

Thank you and wowser! memoize seems to do just what I'd been looking
to do. A handful of lines. I can see it works.

#my test code
f =
f.calc1(1,2,3) #yep its working
f.calc1(7,8,9) #yep its working

If I can ask a Ruby 101 question about it... Isn't "cache" in the
module (pasted below in its entirety it is so short) only a local
variable? Why does is retain state? How can one, for example, access
the cache to see the state of the cache?



module Memoize
   MEMOIZE_VERSION = "1.0.0"
   def memoize(name)
      meth = method(name)
      cache = {}
      (class << self; self; end).class_eval do
         define_method(name) do |*args|
            cache[args] ||=*args)

" -- do you ruby?"

Jeff Wood

This is the magic of closures. When you use define_method, it takes a
block as argument defining the method body. This block is a
closure[1]. A nifty thing about closures is that they capture the
environment in which they are defined. In this case, the closure
representing the body of the method can capture the cache variable
from the environment in which it's defined. The cache variable itself
goes out of scope at the end of the memoize method, but the object it
referred to is still referred to within the closure, so the object
remains accessible within that closure.

Jacob Fugal

[1] Closure (computer programming) - Wikipedia


On 10/17/05, Brian Buckley <> wrote:

If I can ask a Ruby 101 question about it... Isn't "cache" in the
module (pasted below in its entirety it is so short) only a local
variable? Why does is retain state? How can one, for example, access
the cache to see the state of the cache?



module Memoize
   MEMOIZE_VERSION = "1.0.0"
   def memoize(name)
      meth = method(name)
      cache = {}
      (class << self; self; end).class_eval do
         define_method(name) do |*args|
            cache[args] ||=*args)

If I can ask a Ruby 101 question about it... Isn't "cache" in the
module (pasted below in its entirety it is so short) only a local
variable? Why does is retain state? How can one, for example, access
the cache to see the state of the cache?

If you hadn't noticed, "meth" is also a local variable. It looks like
magic doesn't it? :wink:

OK - I'll attempt to explain this.

module Memoize
  def memoize(name)
     meth = method(name)

1. Get a reference to the existing method. This is a ~bit~ like a
function pointer.

     cache = {}

2. Set up a hash to store memoized results.

     (class << self; self; end).class_eval do

3. Common idiom to define a method on the singleton class of the object

        define_method(name) do |*args|

Here you are defining a method with a do..end block. A block in Ruby
is a /closure/ - this means it captures the values of any variables in
scope at the time of the block definition (i.e. it captures the
/binding/ in effect inside the memoize function). When you call the
newly defined method, Ruby will evaluate the block in the context of
the captured binding, so it will be able to see any variables visible
inside the memoize function.

           cache[args] ||=*args)

4. If cache[args] has been defined, return it, else set cache[args] to
the value of the original method call and return it


The key concept to grok is closure. This is a Comp Sci term for a
function that carries around the environment it was defined in.
(Better plain English definition anyone?)





On 10/17/05, Brian Buckley <> wrote:

Yes it is a local variable, but the block used in define_method is a
closure, so the cache variable is accessible from within that block.
It is done this way instead of using a instance variable or other
non-local variables because there needs to be a cache for each method
that is memoized. Since each invocation of memoize creates a new local
cache for that memoized method, each method has its own cache. It is a
very clever use of closures.

There may be some trick to access the cache, but it isn't something
that is very straightforward. This is because the block is used to
define a method, and when you try to get that block back using
"method" to access its binding, the binding is for the object in
question, not for the closure of the original block. Hope that made
sense :slight_smile:

Do you *really* need to look at the cache? If you hadn't read the
source code for memoize you wouldn't realize it was there, so.......



On 10/17/05, Brian Buckley <> wrote:

If I can ask a Ruby 101 question about it... Isn't "cache" in the
module (pasted below in its entirety it is so short) only a local
variable? Why does is retain state? How can one, for example, access
the cache to see the state of the cache?

Brian Buckley schrieb:

How can one, for example, access
the cache to see the state of the cache?

See below:

module Memoize
   MEMOIZE_VERSION = "1.0.0"
   def memoize(name)
      meth = method(name)
      cache = {}
      (class << self; self; end).class_eval do
         define_method(name) do |*args|
            cache[args] ||=*args)

            define_method("#{name}_cache") do


Untested, but should work.


This is the magic of closures.

Thank you for the closure explanation. I'll have to experiment.

It appears then that that cache cannot be a accessed for inspection
(for example to see the history of different calculations made), only
the method created by define_method has use of it.


OT If anyone knows why my email (gmail) is double-posting, please advise

Untested, but should work.

It does indeed work. You rock!

Hmmm... That'll allow pre-polulating the cache with commonly used
parameter sets. My brain is spinning.


Jeff Wood wrote:

if you look at the examples ... normally you include the Memoize
functionality in your class

class Foo
  include Memoize

  def calc1( *args )
    # do something here

  memoize :calc1

f =
f.calc1( 1,2,3 )
f.calc1( 1,2,3 )
f.calc1( 7,8,9 )

This won't work: "undefined method `memoize' for Foo:Class

You could extend Memoize, and define a class method to memoize, I
suppose. I'm also open to suggestions.



Brian it isn't ... one copy is your "sent" copy... the other when it comes
back from the list ...
It's just one of those things that you get used to with gmail.


On 10/17/05, Brian Buckley <> wrote:

> This is the magic of closures.

Thank you for the closure explanation. I'll have to experiment.

It appears then that that cache cannot be a accessed for inspection
(for example to see the history of different calculations made), only
the method created by define_method has use of it.


OT If anyone knows why my email (gmail) is double-posting, please advise

" -- do you ruby?"

Jeff Wood

It appears then that that cache cannot be a accessed for inspection
(for example to see the history of different calculations made), only
the method created by define_method has use of it.

Not with the current implementation of memoize, no.

OT If anyone knows why my email (gmail) is double-posting, please advise

Don't worry, it only double posts to you, not to the group. I have the
same issue (also with gmail), but after being assured the double's
aren't going to the group in general, have learned to live with the
minor inconvenience.

Jacob Fugal


On 10/17/05, Brian Buckley <> wrote:

A simple modification to memoize to return the cache would let you see it:

module Memoize
  def memoize(name)
    meth = method(name)
    cache = {}
    (class << self; self; end).class_eval do
      define_method(name) do |*args|
        cache[args] ||=*args)
    cache # <<< add this line

include Memoize

def foo(*args)
  puts "calculating foo(#{{|x| x.inspect}.join(',')})"
  args.inject(0) {|sum, x| sum + x}

cache = memoize(:foo)
p cache
puts foo(2)
puts foo(2)
puts foo(2,3,4)
puts foo(2,3,4)
p cache

calculating foo(2)
calculating foo(2,3,4)
{[2, 3, 4]=>9, [2]=>2}




On 10/17/05, Brian Buckley <> wrote:

> This is the magic of closures.

Thank you for the closure explanation. I'll have to experiment.

It appears then that that cache cannot be a accessed for inspection
(for example to see the history of different calculations made), only
the method created by define_method has use of it.

Here's one way to do it:

class Foo
  include Memoize
  def initialize
    memoize :foo
  def foo(*args)
    puts "calculating foo(#{{|x| x.inspect}.join(',')})"
    args.inject(0) {|sum, x| sum + x}

f =
calculating foo(2)




On 10/17/05, Daniel Berger <> wrote:

Jeff Wood wrote:
> if you look at the examples ... normally you include the Memoize
> functionality in your class
> class Foo
> include Memoize
> def calc1( *args )
> # do something here
> end
> memoize :calc1
> end
> f =
> f.calc1( 1,2,3 )
> f.calc1( 1,2,3 )
> f.calc1( 7,8,9 )

This won't work: "undefined method `memoize' for Foo:Class

Sean O'Halpin wrote:


On 10/17/05, Brian Buckley <> wrote:

This is the magic of closures.

Thank you for the closure explanation. I'll have to experiment.

It appears then that that cache cannot be a accessed for inspection
(for example to see the history of different calculations made), only
the method created by define_method has use of it.

A simple modification to memoize to return the cache would let you see it:

module Memoize
  def memoize(name)
    meth = method(name)
    cache = {}
    (class << self; self; end).class_eval do
      define_method(name) do |*args|
        cache[args] ||=*args)
    cache # <<< add this line

I'm debating between this suggestion and Pit's (where you access the cache via it's name and as an instance method). I dunno - what do people prefer?

This one is certainly simpler :slight_smile:



I should have pointed out that this method only memoizes within the
instance... Another instance of Foo won't get the benefit of the



On 10/17/05, Sean O'Halpin <> wrote:

On 10/17/05, Daniel Berger <> wrote:
> Jeff Wood wrote:
> > if you look at the examples ... normally you include the Memoize
> > functionality in your class
> >
> > class Foo
> > include Memoize
> >
> > def calc1( *args )
> > # do something here
> > end
> >
> > memoize :calc1
> > end
> >
> > f =
> > f.calc1( 1,2,3 )
> > f.calc1( 1,2,3 )
> > f.calc1( 7,8,9 )
> This won't work: "undefined method `memoize' for Foo:Class
> (NoMethodError)"

Here's one way to do it:

class Foo
include Memoize
def initialize
   memoize :foo
def foo(*args)
   puts "calculating foo(#{{|x| x.inspect}.join(',')})"
   args.inject(0) {|sum, x| sum + x}

f =
calculating foo(2)

