Day 7 - centralbank Gem - Print Your Own Money / Cryptocurrency - Run Your Own Federated Central Bank Nodes on the Blockchain Peer-to-Peer over HTTP @ Ruby Blockchain Week 2021 / 7 Days of Ruby (Crypto) Gems


  let's welcome the seventh write-up in the
Ruby Blockchain Week 2021 / 7 Days of Ruby (Crypto) Gems series
presenting a new Ruby library every day from January 3rd to January 9th.

  For day 7 see the write-up titled: Day 7 - centralbank Gem - Print
Your Own Money / Cryptocurrency -
Run Your Own Federated Central Bank Nodes on the Blockchain
Peer-to-Peer over HTTP[1a][1b]

  That's the end of the blockchain series. See you next year. Have fun
staying poor.
  Cheers. Prosit 2021!

PS: Bonus! - Day 7 - merkletree Gem - Build Your Own Crypto Hash
Trees - Grow Your Own Money on Trees[2a][2b]

