Day 25 - hexapdf Gem - Read and Write PDF Documents. Start from Zero or Merge, Extract, Optimize and Much More @ Ruby Advent Calendar 2020 / 25 Days of Ruby Gems


    let's thank Thomas Leitner for the twenty fifth write-up in the Ruby Advent
Calendar 2020 / 25 Days of Ruby Gems series
presenting a new Ruby library every day from December 1st to December 25th.

  For day 25 see the write-up titled Day 25 - hexapdf Gem - Read and
Write PDF Documents.
Start from Zero or Merge, Extract, Optimize and Much More. [1a][1b]

  Cheers. Prost.
   That's the end. Happy holidays. Merry christmas.


Thanks, Gerald and Thomas. I have been meaning to look into PDF for a while and maybe this gives an opportunity to do just that :slight_smile:

Best Regards,


On 2020-12-25 10:56 pm, Gerald Bauer wrote:


     let's thank Thomas Leitner for the twenty fifth write-up in the Ruby Advent
Calendar 2020 / 25 Days of Ruby Gems series
presenting a new Ruby library every day from December 1st to December 25th.

   For day 25 see the write-up titled Day 25 - hexapdf Gem - Read and
Write PDF Documents.
Start from Zero or Merge, Extract, Optimize and Much More. [1a][1b]

   Cheers. Prost.
    That's the end. Happy holidays. Merry christmas.

[1a] Day 25 - hexapdf Gem - Read and Write PDF Documents. Start from Zero or Merge, Extract, Optimize and Much More | Best of Ruby Gems Series
[1b] hexapdf | | your community gem host