Day 2 - sportdb-models Gem - Football SQL Schema and ActiveRecord Models for Easy (Re)Use - Inserting the Euro 2020 Opening Match - Turkey vs Italy 0:3 (0:0) - Into the Database "by Hand" - - Ruby Football Week 2021, June 11th to June 17th - 7 Days of Rub


  let's welcome the second write-up in the series titled:

  Day 2 - sportdb-models Gem - Football SQL Schema and ActiveRecord
Models for Easy (Re)Use -
   Inserting the Euro 2020 Opening Match - Turkey vs Italy 0:3 (0:0) -
Into the Database "by Hand" [1a][1b]

  Enjoy the beautiful game with ruby.

[1a]: Day 2 - sportdb-models Gem - Football SQL Schema and ActiveRecord Models for Easy (Re)Use - Inserting the Euro 2020 Opening Match - Turkey vs Italy 0:3 (0:0) - Into the Database “by Hand” | Best of Ruby Gems Series
[1b]: sportdb-models | | your community gem host