Date class method `once` wraps original call in Array. Why?

I'm reading the Pickaxe and on page 391, there is a code listing for
the class method `once` from the Date module in Ruby:

  def once(*ids) #:nodoc:
    for id in ids
      module_eval <<-"end:"
        alias_method :__#{id.to_i}__, :#{id.to_s}
        private :__#{id.to_i}__
        def #{id.to_s}(*args, &block)
          puts "Inside once: \#{args.inspect}"
          (@__#{id.to_i}__ ||= [__#{id.to_i}__(*args, &block)])[0]

I was wondering why the original method called is wrapped in an Array.
So I started digging the the source history hoping to find an
explanation. I found the commit that changed it to use the Array but
no explanation for the change. The commit where it was modified is


I created a simple class and use the code with and without the Array
and it seems to work the same for my simple test. Just curious if I'm
not seeing something obvious.


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They wrap it in an array so you that they can cache "nil" and "false"
return values:

result ||= expensive_computation

will still run the expensive computation if it returned nil or false,
however, if you did:

(result ||= [expensive_computation])[0],

you could cache nil as a return value and it wouldn't actually run the
expensive computation.

Matt Haley wrote:


I'm reading the Pickaxe and on page 391, there is a code listing for
the class method `once` from the Date module in Ruby:

  def once(*ids) #:nodoc:
    for id in ids
      module_eval <<-"end:"
        alias_method :__#{id.to_i}__, :#{id.to_s}
        private :__#{id.to_i}__
        def #{id.to_s}(*args, &block)
          puts "Inside once: \#{args.inspect}"
          (@__#{id.to_i}__ ||= [__#{id.to_i}__(*args, &block)])[0]

I was wondering why the original method called is wrapped in an Array.
So I started digging the the source history hoping to find an
explanation. I found the commit that changed it to use the Array but
no explanation for the change. The commit where it was modified is


I created a simple class and use the code with and without the Array
and it seems to work the same for my simple test. Just curious if I'm
not seeing something obvious.

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