As has been mentioned you probably should use the ... range form
because otherwise you'll have a space at the end. But this does not
work in light of multiple spaces either. I'd probably choose a
solution with regular expressions:
09:36:10 RKlemme$ /c/Temp/truncate.rb
["aaaaa", 5, "a", "", "aaaaa", "aaaaa", "aaaaa"]
["aaaaa bbbbb", 11, "aaaaa ", "aaaaa", "aaaaa bbbbb", "aaaaa bbbbb", "aaaaa"]
["aaaaa bbbbb ccccc", 17, "aaaaa bbbbb ", "aaaaa bbbbb", "aaaaa bbbbb
", "aaaaa bbbbb", "aaaaa bbbbb"]
["aaaaa bbbbb ccccc ddddd", 23, "aaaaa bbbbb ", "aaaaa bbbbb", "aaaaa
bbbbb ", "aaaaa bbbbb", "aaaaa bbbbb"]
["aaaaa", 5, "a", "", "aaaaa", "aaaaa", "aaaaa"]
["aaaaa bbbbb", 12, "aaaaa ", "aaaaa ", "aaaaa bbbbb", "aaaaa
bbbbb", "aaaaa "]
["aaaaa bbbbb ccccc", 19, "aaaaa ", "aaaaa ", "aaaaa ", "aaaaa
bbbbb", "aaaaa bbbbb"]
["aaaaa bbbbb ccccc ddddd", 26, "aaaaa ", "aaaaa ", "aaaaa ",
"aaaaa bbbbb", "aaaaa bbbbb"]
Here's the code that you can use to play around with various solutions:
09:37:02 RKlemme$ cat /c/Temp/truncate.rb
#!/bin/env ruby
WD = 5
LIM = 12
strings = (0..3).map do |i|
(0..i).map do |ii|
(?a + ii).chr * WD
end.join " "
strings.concat {|s| s.gsub /\s/, ' '}
strings.each do |str|
p [
str[0..str[0...LIM].rindex(' ').to_i],
str[0...str[0...LIM].rindex(' ').to_i],
str[%r{\A.{0,#{LIM - 1}}\S}], # <- my choice
str[%r{\A(.{0,#{LIM}})\s}, 1] || str,
Kind regards
2008/8/20 Pål Bergström <>:
Robert Klemme wrote:
Pal, it seems we haven't seen the complete specification of what you
want to do. It seems that not only length is a condition but also
positions of spaces.
Hi. My app shows data in a list from a table called messages but only a
fragment of it if it's to long.
My solution seems to work fine. What do you think of it? Will it always
lastspace = message.message[0..70].rindex(" ")
puts message.message[0..lastspace.to_i]
It doesn't do anything for non existing messages and text that isn't
that long as 70. And it finds the last space. We might have long words
in Swedish, but not that long There will always be a space somewhere
in the end where it can cut it without cutting and leave strange
question marks as it cuts a swedish character (as Latin1 I guess).
use.inject do |as, often| as.you_can - without end