csvjson library / gem v1.0 - read tabular data in the CSV <3 JSON format, that is, comma-separated values CSV (line-by-line) records with JSON encoding rules


  I've published a new library / gem, that is, csvjon that lets you
read tabular data in the (new) CSV <3 JSON format, that is,
comma-separated values CSV (line-by-line) records with javascript
object notation (JSON) encoding rules.

   What's CSV <3 JSON?

CSV <3 JSON is a Comma-Separated Values (CSV)
variant / format / dialect
where the line-by-line records follow the
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) encoding rules.
It's a modern (simple) tabular data format that
includes arrays, numbers, booleans, nulls, nested structures, comments and more.

    # "Vanilla" CSV <3 JSON

    1,"John","12 Totem Rd. Aspen",true
    3,"Sue","Bigsby, 345 Carnival, WA 23009",false


    # CSV <3 JSON with array values


  And how to read / parse in ruby? Example:

  txt <<=TXT
  # "Vanilla" CSV <3 JSON

  1,"John","12 Totem Rd. Aspen",true
  3,"Sue","Bigsby, 345 Carnival, WA 23009",false

  records = CsvJson.parse( txt ) ## or CSV_JSON.parse or CSVJSON.parse
  pp records
  # => [[1,"John","12 Totem Rd. Aspen",true],
  # [2,"Bob",nil,false],
  # [3,"Sue","Bigsby, 345 Carnival, WA 23009",false]]

  # -or-

  records = CsvJson.read( "values.json.csv" ) ## or CSV_JSON.read or
  pp records
  # => [[1,"John","12 Totem Rd. Aspen",true],
  # [2,"Bob",nil,false],
  # [3,"Sue","Bigsby, 345 Carnival, WA 23009",false]]

  # -or-

  CsvJson.foreach( "values.json.csv" ) do |rec| ## or
CSV_JSON.foreach or CSVJSON.foreach
    pp rec
  # => [1,"John","12 Totem Rd. Aspen",true]
  # => [2,"Bob",nil,false]
  # => [3,"Sue","Bigsby, 345 Carnival, WA 23009",false]

  and so on.

   Happy data wrangling with ruby (and csv and json). Cheers. Prost.

[1] https://github.com/csv11/csvjson - the csvjson library (reader / parser)
[2] https://github.com/csv11/csv-json - the CSV <3 JSON format

Didn't even know the csvjson format existed. I'm sure this will come in handy in the future.

Had a quick glance at the code. Looks like this thing won't explode memory wise when trying to read a huge csv file as long as you stick to the foreach method.

Anyway, thanks thanks thanks for this gem.




On 15-10-18 15:20, Gerald Bauer wrote:


   I've published a new library / gem, that is, csvjon that lets you
read tabular data in the (new) CSV <3 JSON format, that is,
comma-separated values CSV (line-by-line) records with javascript
object notation (JSON) encoding rules.

[1] GitHub - pixelartexchange/artbase: artbase ("right-clicker") command line tool & scripts - download complete pixel art collections - yes, you can! - automate "right-click 'n' save" and much more - the csvjson library (reader / parser)
[2] GitHub - csvspecs/csv-json: CSV ❤ JSON Format - Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Line-by-Line Records with JSON Encoding Rules - A Modern (Simple) Tabular Data Format incl. Arrays, Numbers, Booleans, Nulls, Nested Structures, Comments and More - the CSV <3 JSON format