Creating objects without knowing their names


I'd like to load an arbitary number of Ruby files from a directory and
create their associated objects. However, I don't know the class names
of the files that have just been loaded. Is it possible to determine a
file's class name once that file has been loaded? (Without resorting to
parsing, or enforcing a mapping between the filename and class name.)

What I want to do is something like the following:

    converter_names =
    Find.find("./converters") do |filename|
      converter_names.push(filename) if filename =~ /rb$/

    converters =
    converter_names.each do |converter_name|
      load converter_name
      klassName = ...?

Many thanks


You probably know this already, but for the benefit of bystanders: there
isn't in general one-to-one mapping between classes and files. A class
can be defined across several files; a file can contain several class
definitions. (Maybe in the case of the files you are using there is
always a 1-1 map, though.)

I like to use module_eval to solve this problem by reading the file and
evaling its definitions in the context of a new module. It's all wrapped
up neatly in my "script" library on RAA.

For example:

$ cat cl.rb
class MyWeirdClass
  def foo


$ cat script-ex.rb
require 'script'

script = Script.load "cl.rb"

p script
p script.constants
script_objects = {|k| script.const_get(k)}
script_classes = script_objects.grep(Class)
p script_classes

$ ruby script-ex.rb
["SOME_CONSTANT", "MyWeirdClass"]

This also has the benefit of keeping every name from the external file
in a new module's namespace. The return value of Script.load is that module.

··· wrote:


I'd like to load an arbitary number of Ruby files from a directory and
create their associated objects. However, I don't know the class names
of the files that have just been loaded. Is it possible to determine a
file's class name once that file has been loaded? (Without resorting to
parsing, or enforcing a mapping between the filename and class name.)

What I want to do is something like the following:

    converter_names =
    Find.find("./converters") do |filename|
      converter_names.push(filename) if filename =~ /rb$/

    converters =
    converter_names.each do |converter_name|
      load converter_name
      klassName = ...?

      vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

Joel VanderWerf wrote:


I'd like to load an arbitary number of Ruby files from a directory
and create their associated objects. However, I don't know the class
names of the files that have just been loaded. Is it possible to
determine a file's class name once that file has been loaded?
(Without resorting to parsing, or enforcing a mapping between the
filename and class name.)

You probably know this already, but for the benefit of bystanders:
there isn't in general one-to-one mapping between classes and files.
A class
can be defined across several files; a file can contain several class
definitions. (Maybe in the case of the files you are using there is
always a 1-1 map, though.)

There are other options. Some of them:

- Make sure all classes on those files inherit a base class which
overrides #inherited so it gets notified every time a sub class is
created. You can then store the set of sub classes in a member of the
base class and use that for whatever purposes.

- Make classes in those files register with some arbitrary registry you
create (that's basically the same as the first just more explicit).

- use set_trace_func to trance execution of those files and notice
whenever a new class occurs. (Not sure whether that works though).

Kind regards


··· wrote:

Robert Klemme wrote:

Joel VanderWerf wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'd like to load an arbitary number of Ruby files from a directory
>> and create their associated objects. However, I don't know the class
>> names of the files that have just been loaded. Is it possible to
>> determine a file's class name once that file has been loaded?
>> (Without resorting to parsing, or enforcing a mapping between the
>> filename and class name.)

> You probably know this already, but for the benefit of bystanders:
> there isn't in general one-to-one mapping between classes and files.
> A class
> can be defined across several files; a file can contain several class
> definitions. (Maybe in the case of the files you are using there is
> always a 1-1 map, though.)

There are other options. Some of them:

- Make sure all classes on those files inherit a base class which
overrides #inherited so it gets notified every time a sub class is
created. You can then store the set of sub classes in a member of the
base class and use that for whatever purposes.

- Make classes in those files register with some arbitrary registry you
create (that's basically the same as the first just more explicit).

- use set_trace_func to trance execution of those files and notice
whenever a new class occurs. (Not sure whether that works though).

Kind regards


Or you can compare the classes you had before loading to classes you
had after loading. Something like this:

def defined_classes
    classes =
    ObjectSpace.each_object(Class){|c| classes << c}

initial_classes = defined_classes
require 'net/http'
p defined_classes - initial_classes


> wrote:

All very helpful answers. Many thanks indeed.
Paul wrote:

Or you can compare the classes you had before loading to classes you
had after loading. Something like this:

def defined_classes
    classes =
    ObjectSpace.each_object(Class){|c| classes << c}

initial_classes = defined_classes
require 'net/http'
p defined_classes - initial_classes

Unreliable if your "script" files also require libraries. You still have
to pick out the classes you are looking for.


      vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407