I have an undetermined list of directories.
I am trying to loop through them all and in each one I want to make a
directory called 'images'. when i do this, I want o move all the imagges
in that folder into it.
so i have a tree like this:
- img00971273.jpg
- img21234235.jpg
- img12345623.jpg
- img99554361.jpg
- img21234235.jpg
- img53840534.jpg
- img00930443.jpg
- img12364235.jpg
- img09982623.jpg
- img00923871.jpg
- img21292835.jpg
- img08836823.jpg
I would like to create
- img00971273.jpg
- img21234235.jpg
- img12345623.jpg
And so on and so forth.
Hope this illustration makes sense. I have tried to create a loop and go
through each directory and use system() to 'mkdir images' and mv *.jpg
no luck as yet. really starting to like some of Ruby's fileutils. just
wish i could get moving with some of these tasks
All help greatly appreciated. I'll buy you a beer at lunch.
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