Create controller dynamically?

Hi All,
       I wanna create controller dynamically through my ruby code.

Please help me out.

Suppose i have one controller if i call a function of this controller so
i wanna create another controller dynamically.That can be one or n
numbers of controllers.

Please help me ............


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You really probably want to post this on the rails list. It is probably
do-able but the structure of rails puts it a bit beyond the scope of just
ruby. You will have to dynamically define classes but with rails assuming
those classes will be in separate files you might have to do some
significant unpleasantness.


On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 8:37 AM, Varun Goel <> wrote:

Hi All,
      I wanna create controller dynamically through my ruby code.

Please help me out.

Suppose i have one controller if i call a function of this controller so
i wanna create another controller dynamically.That can be one or n
numbers of controllers.

Please help me ............
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so loud, I can't hear a word you're saying."

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