Crash in 1.73, Windows


An application I’m creating crashes ruby 1.73 (I’m using the windows
distribution from Pragmatic Programmers).
The lines where the crash occurs (at least that’s what the message
says) are:

def float_translator (str)
str.gsub(/([\d+-.]+) (+ | -) (\d*) (| | $)/ix){$1 + ‘E’ + $2 +
$3 + $4}.to_f


Maurício wrote:


An application I’m creating crashes ruby 1.73 (I’m using the windows
distribution from Pragmatic Programmers).
The lines where the crash occurs (at least that’s what the message
says) are:

def float_translator (str)
str.gsub(/([\d+-.]+) (+ | -) (\d*) (| | $)/ix){$1 + ‘E’ + $2 +
$3 + $4}.to_f

What libraries are you using? I’ve seen a similar problem with FXRuby,
and it goes away when you GC.disable, so it looks like a mark/free bug.

   The lines where the crash occurs (at least that's what the message
says) are:

Well, it's best if you give a *small* script which reproduce the error.

Guy Decoux

Maurício wrote:


An application I’m creating crashes ruby 1.73 (…)

What libraries are you using? (…)

I just installed the pragmatic programmers distribution, and didn’t
add anything else. I’ll try GC.disable and see what happens.


ts wrote:

“M” == =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Maur=EDcio?= writes:

The lines where the crash occurs (at least that’s what the message
says) are:

Well, it’s best if you give a small script which reproduce the error.

Guy Decoux

Sorry, I didn’t had the time. I’ll try that as soon as I can and send
to the newsgroup.
