Connecting to SQL Server 2005

I need to connect to SQL server 2005 using Ruby. I went through some
posts but did not found much help.
It would be great if anyone can help me with this.


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Parul Korea wrote:

I need to connect to SQL server 2005 using Ruby. I went through some
posts but did not found much help.
It would be great if anyone can help me with this.

ODBC is the way.

Linux: Search for "odbc freetds ruby mssql" in google.

Windows: I use DBI with ODBC support. Should not be trouble searching on
google. Here is something to start from.

require 'dbi'
dbh = DBI.connect('DBI:ODBC:Driver={SQL Server};

dbh.select_all("select * from some_table") do |r|
somefield = r[2].downcase



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if your are working with rails you can try



Allan Davis (my blog)

On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 3:49 AM, Parul Korea <> wrote:

I need to connect to SQL server 2005 using Ruby. I went through some
posts but did not found much help.
It would be great if anyone can help me with this.
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