Connecting to a MS SQL database

Where can I find information about connecting to a database? In particular
I have an MS SQL database and I am using a DSN – but would also like to
know how to use DSN-less connections.

Is this part of an existing module? OLE? I’ve googled a lot but have not
seen much.


Connecting to a MS SQL database…I don’t have time for details, it’s bedtime … but you can use ADO via the Ruby WIN32OLE module, it’s a piece of cake, just as if you were using ADO from VBScript in an ASP page, if you’ve done that before. If no one else has posted details by in the morning my time, I’ll give some more to go on.


----- Original Message -----
From: Dwayne Smurdon @ DNA Media Pro
To: ruby-talk ML
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 10:49 PM
Subject: Connecting to a MS SQL database…

Where can I find information about connecting to a database? In particular I have an MS SQL database and I am using a DSN – but would also like to know how to use DSN-less connections.

Is this part of an existing module? OLE? I’ve googled a lot but have not seen much.


“Dwayne Smurdon @ DNA Media Pro” wrote in message

Where can I find information about connecting to a database? In particular
I have an MS SQL database and I am using a DSN – but would also like to
know how to use DSN-less connections.

Is this part of an existing module? OLE? I’ve googled a lot but have not
seen much.


This code should work. You’ll probably find more examples if you
search for “VB”, “SQLServer”, and “DSN-less connection”, rather than
including Ruby in your search terms. Once you find an example,
translate it from VB to Ruby (which isn’t too hard, since win32ole
allows you to use the methods and properties with pretty much the same

require ‘win32ole’
adoConn =‘ADODB.Connection’)
adoRS =“ADODB.Recordset”)
#For a DSN connection, use this string
adoConn.ConnectionString =
#For a DSN-less connection, use this string
adoConn.ConnectionString = “driver={SQL Server};
Server=PutServerNameHere; Database=PutDatabaseNameHere;
UID=PutUserNameHere; PWD=PutPasswordHere”

The 1 specifies the “Keyset” cursor, and the 3 specifies Optimistic

adoRS.Open “SELECT * From TableName”, adoConn, 1, 3

This loops through the records and writes out the contents of each

1.upto(adoRS.RecordCount) do

puts i
puts adoRS.Fields(“FieldName”).Value
