I don't understand how to do the following, any help is very
appreciated. I have been programming in ruby 1.8.7 for about a month.
I have a string that has in it:
2 byte UINT16
2 byte UINT16
1 byte UINT8 representing how many pairs of the next 2 strings there are
variable length string1 <- Although for now I know this always equals
variable length string2
2 byte UINT16
I want to display each value from the fields, while also removing it
from the string as I read it out. I believe the strings are terminated
with a 0, so the null character needs to be removed also to correctly
parse other fields. Although part of my problem is I don't understand
how to parse until a null character is found, is this \0 like in C? Or
is it \000 as I have scene some places? or 0.to_chr ?
The string comes from a "rest" variable length field from the bit-struct
class. So there was data before in the rest that I have processed and
taken out off the front of the string, and after this point there is
more data, but for now I am interested in this block of data.
Something else that is known that could help, is the total length of the
whole block is known, so the 7 bytes + however many bytes for the
variable length strings is known.
My attempt is horrible I know, and I don't think it really runs.
writelog() is method to display my value...
iterations_to_do = (bin_msg.element_length - 7) - 4
temparray = []
j = 0
if /^BFO/ =~ bin_msg.optional_sub_elements
writelog("\n\n Parameter Name = BFO")
bin_msg.optional_sub_elements.sub!(/^BFO/, '')
while j < iterations_to_do
bin_msg.optional_sub_elements.each_byte do |character|
unless character == 0.chr
temparray << character
j += 1
#here print first j number of elements in temparray?
Thanks again,
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