Condition variables and thread scheduling

I'm trying to understand how condition variables are supposed to work;
specifically, I've got this code:

# a.rb
require 'monitor'

def try
  a = ""

  cvar = a.new_cond

  t1 = Thread.start do
    a.synchronize do
      a << "b"

  t2,t3 = [2,3].map{
    Thread.start do
      a.synchronize do
        a << "a"

  [t2,t3,t1].each{|t| t.join}

  return a

1000.times do |i|
  output = try()
  raise "Oops! (#{i} says #{output})" unless output == "aba"

This consistently fails like this on both jruby-1.5.1 and ruby-1.8.7:

$ ruby a.rb
a.rb:39: Oops! (220 says aab) (RuntimeError)
  from a.rb:37:in `times'
  from a.rb:37

That means that t1 was woken up after both t2 and t3, despite being
signaled to wake up by the first to execute, and it has no indication
that it was signaled twice.

I presume this is intentional behaviour (although it's a *little*
surprising), and the same thing happens if I use Mutex and
ConditionVariable instead of MonitorMixin, so is there any way to ensure
that the thread scheduling goes as [t2,t1,t3] *or* [t3,t1,t2], but never



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Yes, this is intentional behavior. There are no guarantees with
regard to timing and order in which threads obtain the monitor. This
means especially that thread 2 and 3 can obtain any number of times
before thread 1 runs again.

Please note also that the intended usage of condition variables is
different: you obtain a lock then you loop while the condition is not
reached and then you continue. This is what you rather want if you
want to ensure alternation:

require 'monitor'

Thread.abort_on_exception = true

def try
  a = ""
  next_run = :b

  cond_a = a.new_cond
  cond_b = a.new_cond

  t1 = Thread.start do
    a.synchronize do
      until next_run == :a

      a << "b"

      next_run = :b

  t2,t3 = [2,3].map do
    Thread.start do
      a.synchronize do
        until next_run == :b

        a << "a"

        next_run = :a

  [t1,t2,t3].each{|t| t.join}

  return a

1000.times do |i|
  output = try()
  raise "Oops! (#{i} says #{output})" unless output == "aba"

Kind regards



On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 10:51 AM, Alex Young <> wrote:

I'm trying to understand how condition variables are supposed to work;
specifically, I've got this code:

# a.rb
require 'monitor'

def try
a = ""

cvar = a.new_cond

t1 = Thread.start do
a.synchronize do
a << "b"

t2,t3 = [2,3].map{
Thread.start do
a.synchronize do
a << "a"

[t2,t3,t1].each{|t| t.join}

return a

1000.times do |i|
output = try()
raise "Oops! (#{i} says #{output})" unless output == "aba"

This consistently fails like this on both jruby-1.5.1 and ruby-1.8.7:

$ ruby a.rb
a.rb:39: Oops! (220 says aab) (RuntimeError)
from a.rb:37:in `times'
from a.rb:37

That means that t1 was woken up after both t2 and t3, despite being
signaled to wake up by the first to execute, and it has no indication
that it was signaled twice.

I presume this is intentional behaviour (although it's a *little*
surprising), and the same thing happens if I use Mutex and
ConditionVariable instead of MonitorMixin, so is there any way to ensure
that the thread scheduling goes as [t2,t1,t3] *or* [t3,t1,t2], but never

remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

Robert Klemme wrote in post #964651:

Thread.start do
$ ruby a.rb
ConditionVariable instead of MonitorMixin, so is there any way to ensure
that the thread scheduling goes as [t2,t1,t3] *or* [t3,t1,t2], but never

Yes, this is intentional behavior. There are no guarantees with
regard to timing and order in which threads obtain the monitor. This
means especially that thread 2 and 3 can obtain any number of times
before thread 1 runs again.

That's what I thought, ok.

Please note also that the intended usage of condition variables is
different: you obtain a lock then you loop while the condition is not
reached and then you continue. This is what you rather want if you
want to ensure alternation:


Perfect, thanks. I'll give that a try.


On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 10:51 AM, Alex Young <> > wrote:


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