Concerting a Date Object into a UNIX Timestamp

Hello beloved Ruby-Community,

maybe a stupid question because I probably missed something reading the
reference of “Programming Ruby”, but how do I convert a Date Object into
a UNIX Timestamp (seconds passed since the UNIX epoch)?

Kind regards,
Dennis Oelkers


Dennis Oelkers | Webadministration | Zentraleinrichtung Rechenzentrum
TU-Berlin | EN-Gebaeude, K042 | Telefon: 030-314-25029

Key Fingerprint:
A6 7A B6 90 09 56 E8 32 02 40 6B 27 80 17 00 89 61 E7 CA 6F

=> 1069258948


On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 17:15:08 +0100, Dennis Oelkers wrote:

maybe a stupid question because I probably missed something reading the
reference of “Programming Ruby”, but how do I convert a Date Object into
a UNIX Timestamp (seconds passed since the UNIX epoch)?

Simon Strandgaard

Ah, thank you very much for that helpful (and quick!) response,
in fact I tried the to_i method, but on a Date object (doh!).

irb(main):002:0>, 11, 19).to_i
NoMethodError: undefined method `to_i’ for #<Date: 4905925/2,0,2299161>
from (irb):2

Kind regards,
Dennis Oelkers


In Simon Strandgaard wrote:

On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 17:15:08 +0100, Dennis Oelkers wrote:

maybe a stupid question because I probably missed something reading the
reference of “Programming Ruby”, but how do I convert a Date Object into
a UNIX Timestamp (seconds passed since the UNIX epoch)?

=> 1069258948

Dennis Oelkers | Webadministration | Zentraleinrichtung Rechenzentrum
TU-Berlin | EN-Gebaeude, K042 | Telefon: 030-314-25029

Key Fingerprint:
A6 7A B6 90 09 56 E8 32 02 40 6B 27 80 17 00 89 61 E7 CA 6F