Code factoring problem

Hi all,

I use FxRuby to do some GUI programing. I define a method to handle the
same stuff if a button is either selected(SEL_COMMAND) or 'enter' key is
pressed (SEL_KEYPRESS).

Since the codes for each event are the same,I try to factor them out.
But I am not sure about the syntax. I wonder if someone can give me a



###original codes###
def a_method
  @button_next.connect(SEL_COMMAND) do
   # many lines for handling event A


  @button_next.connect(SEL_KEYPRESS) do
     # many lines for handling event A

###### code formats after factoring

def a_method

  if @button_next.connect(SEL_COMMAND)==true or
@button_next.connect(SEL_KEYPRESS)==true do
      # many lines for handling event A
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Li Chen wrote:

Hi all,

I use FxRuby to do some GUI programing. I define a method to handle the
same stuff if a button is either selected(SEL_COMMAND) or 'enter' key is
pressed (SEL_KEYPRESS).

Try something like this:

   [SEL_COMMAND, SEL_KEYPRESS].each do |sel|
     @button_next.connect(sel) {...}


       vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407

if @button_next.connect(SEL_COMMAND)==true or
@button_next.connect(SEL_KEYPRESS)==true do

There is no need to compare equal to true. Just do this:

     if @button_next.connect(SEL_COMMAND) or @button_next.connect(SEL_KEYPRESS) do

Of course, this is not the same if your connect method can return values other than `true` that are non-false/non-nil. However, if that is the case, it would be wise to reconsider the connect method to do the expected.

Alternatively, if this list could grow larger, you might consider something like this:

     def a_method
       if sels.any? { |sel| @button_next.connect(sel) } do
         # many lines for handling event A



Just extend `sels` to include the appropriate events/signals.

Matthew Moss wrote:

Just do this:

     if @button_next.connect(SEL_COMMAND) or
@button_next.connect(SEL_KEYPRESS) do

Alternatively, if this list could grow larger, you might consider
something like this:

     def a_method
       if sels.any? { |sel| @button_next.connect(sel) } do
         # many lines for handling event A

Just extend `sels` to include the appropriate events/signals.

Hi Matt,

Thanks. But none of them works for me.

I also try codes from Joel(another reply) and it works perfectly:
   [SEL_COMMAND, SEL_KEYPRESS].each do |sel|
     @button_next.connect(sel) {...}

I could not figure out why your codes don't work for me.



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Joel VanderWerf wrote:

Try something like this:

   [SEL_COMMAND, SEL_KEYPRESS].each do |sel|
     @button_next.connect(sel) {...}

Thanks Joel. They work very well.



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