Cloning into an object

Thanks for the pointers. I downloaded evil.rb and tried
"become" (used dest.become(source) for the copy) and it did
exactly what I wanted.

I read a little more about become. It looks like it might be
made standard in ruby at some point. Will it have the above
functionality. Or will it do something like what I think the
smalltalk "become" does - change all references to the
destination object to point to the source object. I really
don't want the reference changes because a) it seems very
expensive (search the object space), and b) this would cause
the object id to change.

Anybody know when/if become will be made standard?


--- Robert Klemme <> wrote:

"George Ogata" <> schrieb im
> Eric Mahurin <> writes:
>> Anybody know how to generically copy (shallow like clone)
>> object into another object? It would be nice to handle
>> case where the objects have a different class, but I would
>> least like to know how to do it when the classes are the
>> Here is an example of what I would like to do:
>> dest = # or if necessary
>> source = "hello world"
>> destid =
>> source.clone_into(dest)
>> dest -> "hello world"
>> -> true
>> dest.class -> String
> I hear that evil.rb has Object#become, which will do that
with some
> caveats. Search "Object#become" in the list archives for
more info.

If you just want to copy state you can do without evil magic
(although not
working for builtins like String, Array, Fixnum etc.):

class Object
  def set_from(o)
    o.instance_variables.each do |var|
      instance_variable_set( var, o.instance_variable_get(
var ) )

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Hi --


On Sun, 1 May 2005, Eric Mahurin wrote:

I read a little more about become. It looks like it might be
made standard in ruby at some point. Will it have the above
functionality. Or will it do something like what I think the
smalltalk "become" does - change all references to the
destination object to point to the source object. I really
don't want the reference changes because a) it seems very
expensive (search the object space), and b) this would cause
the object id to change.

I thought that was the whole point of "become". Certainly it doesn't
make sense for references to object x to persist in being reference to
object x if object x has "become" object y. (The idea of having this
in Ruby doesn't appeal to me, but that's my understanding of its
premise, anyway.)


David A. Black


At Sun, 1 May 2005 12:17:03 +0900,
Eric Mahurin wrote in [ruby-talk:140630]:

Anybody know when/if become will be made standard?

When: time_t wrap arounds (where sizeof(time_t) == 8), perhaps.
If: Matz.become(Evil) executed successfully.


Nobu Nakada