Classless methods

Actually, it looks like it becomes a public instance method of Object:

irb is messing with your head here. Try the same as a standalone Ruby

def hello; end
p self.class
#=> Object
p self.public_methods.include?("hello")
#=> false
p Object.private_methods.include?("hello")
#=> true
p Object.private_instance_methods.include?("hello")
#=> true
p Object.public_instance_methods.include?("hello")
#=> false
p (class << self; self; end).public_instance_methods.include?("hello")
#=> false


From: Nick Sieger []

Good catch, thanks for the correction.


On 10/27/06, Gavin Kistner <> wrote:

From: Nick Sieger []
> Actually, it looks like it becomes a public instance method of Object:
irb is messing with your head here. Try the same as a standalone Ruby