Since it looks like your Ruby code is written in a distinctly non-Ruby-esque style, I thought I'd show you how I'd expect most Rubyists would write your Dump_db
Florian, thanks for your response. It's a bit of a mind blower, although I think I understand it. I continue to discover that classes have a number of subtleties which my reliable old workhorse procedural Ruby (all I've done until this week) simply doesn't have. It's fun learning about them, though...mostly!
Here's a small class from the same project I'm working on - and it works fine. The only structural difference I can see is that ALL code in this second class is wrapped in method definitions. So, if I understand you correctly, the code in the second method below is NOT part of the class definition evaluation, but is subsumed under the definition of a method, thus preventing the problem I was having with the other code. My question: Do I have this right?
# dump setnet data to files
class Dump_db
def initialize( logging_now, log, db_array )
@logging_now = logging_now
@log = log
@db_array = db_array
end def dump
@db_array.each do |cnt|
begin #start error trapping
dbnm = cnt[ 0 ]
dbobj = cnt[ 1 ]
if @logging_now: dbnm + ' output to file started' ) end
fn = dbnm + '.yml'
open( fn, 'w' ) {|i| YAML.dump( dbobj, i )}
status = ( ( dbobj.length - 1 ).to_s + dbnm +' written to file' )
puts "> "+status
if @logging_now: status end
rescue Exception => e
if @logging_now: @log.error( "#{e}" ) end
if @logging_now: @log.error e.backtrace end #pinpoints error location end
puts "> ERROR logged to log file..."
result = nil
This is all very interesting, and if I understand it right, it's something that I have not seen pointed out in any of the references I've been studying. Kind of a major point.
Thanks again for you help (and you also, Lucas).
# dump setnet data to files
class Dump_db
def initialize(db_array, log=nil)
@db_array = db_array
@log = log
def dump
@db_array.each do |dbnm,dbobj|
begin #start error trapping dbnm + ' output to file started' ) if @log
open(dbnm + '.yml', 'w' ) {|i| YAML.dump( dbobj, i )}
status = ( ( dbobj.length - 1 ).to_s + dbnm +' written to file' )
puts "> "+status status if @log
rescue Exception => e
if @log
@log.error( "#{e}\n " )
@log.error e.backtrace.join("\n ")
puts "> ERROR logged to log file..."
end #pinpoints error location end
Note in particular:
The order of arguments to (and thus, initialize) have changed. If you don't intend to log, you can just say:
There was no separation between @log and @logging_now, so just rely on whether a log was given.
The use of a : to mean "then" has been deprecated. However, you can put a conditional modifier at the end of a statement:
if @log "stuff" )
is exactly: "stuff" ) if @log
You probably want to separate the lines in the backtrace, so look at what I've done to the rescue block.
Typically, you don't rescue Exception, but rather StandardError. That's the default, too, so you can just:
rescue => e
to mean
rescue StandardError => e
since most of the exceptions that are not inherited from StandardError you won't want to catch in most cases.
Rob Biedenharn
On Jan 23, 2009, at 4:57 PM, Tom Cloyd wrote: