Class inheriting from class within the namespace

Tree structures are interesting. Often the root of the tree is used as a
handle for the tree itself. However, the tree often has additional
methods beyond that of the root node.

I couldn't figure out how to do this simply via inheritance due to
chicken-and-egg problems with namespacing:

  class Tree < Tree::Node
    class Node
  #=> chicken-and-egg.rb:1: uninitialized constant Tree (NameError)

I came up with two alternative techniques to achieve the same goal. I'm
not wild about the way either are handled by RDoc (though the first is
substantially better):

  # Technique 1: Using modules
  class Tree
    module NodeStuff
      #...all the meat here...
    include NodeStuff
    class Node
      include NodeStuff

  # Technique 2: Conjur the chicken first, and kill it later
  class TmpTreeNode
    # ...all the meat here...
  class Tree < TmpTreeNode
    Node = TmpTreeNode
  Object.class_eval{ remove_const( :TmpTreeNode ) }

Ideally, IMO, Ruby would let me do this:
  # No "Tree" module or class has yet been defined;
  # it is a pure namespace at this point
  class Tree::Node
    # ...all the meat here...

  # Now Tree is a class
  class Tree < Tree::Node

I don't have any question, and it's not important enough to me to make
an RCR for the above. I just thought I'd share these thoughts with the

Why wouldn't you do this?

module TreeStuff
  class Node
  class Tree < Node

A tree does more than a node (you say), so a tree is a subclass of node
("a node and then some"). The pair are wrapped up in a module to isolate
their namespace.

Of course I could be missing some other desideratum. m.


Gavin Kistner <> wrote:

Tree structures are interesting. Often the root of the tree is used as a
handle for the tree itself. However, the tree often has additional
methods beyond that of the root node.

I couldn't figure out how to do this simply via inheritance due to
chicken-and-egg problems with namespacing:

  class Tree < Tree::Node
    class Node
  #=> chicken-and-egg.rb:1: uninitialized constant Tree (NameError)

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