Hi all,
This one has me beaten. The code follows below.
I am creating a GUI, which contains a single checkbox (more soon) and a
Go button.
All I am trying to do at this stage is:
1. Create a GUI with checkbox - DONE
2. Put a tick in the box & click go - DONE
3. After licking go, I want to test if the checkbox is selected and if
it, output "Box was ticked" - this just does not happen
Can anyone perhaps spot the stupid mistake I am making?
include Java
module Js
import java.awt.GridLayout
include_package "javax.swing"
include_package "javax.swing.JFrame"
include_package "javax.swing.JButton"
include_package "javax.swing.JPanel"
include_package "javax.swing.JOptionPane"
include_package "javax.swing.JPane"
include_package "javax.swing.JScrollPane"
include_package "javax.swing.JCheckBox"
panel = Js::JPanel.new
panel.setLayout GridLayout.new 10, 2
eCheckBox = Js::JCheckBox.new
elbl = Js::JLabel.new(“Everything");
goButton = Js::JButton.new("Run")
panel.add goButton
frame = Js::JFrame.new()
frame.add panel
frame.setTitle(“GUI Checkbox")
frame.setResizable false
frame.setLocationRelativeTo nil
goButton.addActionListener do |e|
if EVTCheckBox.isSelected()
puts “Box was ticked"
frame.setVisible true
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