Change namespace scope / nesting problem

Hello everybody. I am having problem with nested modules and includes
not changing namespaces.
I am trying to be DRY by moving out some common methods into a module,
but when I do that, my nesting changes and the class names are not
resolved properly.

For example if I have modules Foo and Foo2, and each of those modules
have 2 classes Bar and Helper. I also have Module Mixin:A which has
methods for class Bar for each module. If a method in Mixin::A tries to
access Helper, I get error Mixin::a::Helper is undefined. It is
resolving to Mixin::A namespace instead of Foo or Foo2. Here is the
sample code that demonstrates my problem.


module Mixins; end

module Mixins::A
  def self.included(base)
    base.class_eval do
      def test_it

module Foo
  class Helper

  class Bar
    include Mixins::A

module Foo2
  class Helper

  class Bar
    include Mixins::A
end #=> should return Foo::Helper #=> Should return Foo2::Helper


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I think in the current version of Ruby, constants are always looked up
lexically (this is different from past versions). So you may not be able
to reference the constant in the context of "base".

Anyway, I generally find it a bad idea to rely on obscure lookup paths.
Even it *did* work, it would be difficult to track where the constant
actually comes from. I'd rather restructure the classes and modules.


Posted via

I think in the current version of Ruby, constants are always looked up
lexically (this is different from past versions). So you may not be able
to reference the constant in the context of "base".

I don't think I would call this behavior "lexical lookup":

irb(main):001:0> class A; class Helper; def x; "in A" end end end
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> class B; class Helper; def x; "in B" end end end
=> nil
irb(main):003:0> [A,B].map {|cl|}
=> ["in A", "in B"]
irb(main):004:0> RUBY_VERSION
=> "1.9.3"

Anyway, I generally find it a bad idea to rely on obscure lookup paths.
Even it *did* work, it would be difficult to track where the constant
actually comes from. I'd rather restructure the classes and modules.

Right. It's a bad idea to require Mixins::A to know something about
the environment of the class passed to #included. One way out would
be to nest Helper in the class in the same way I demonstrated above.

But then, the class_eval is superfluous because the method could be
simply defined in Mixin::A to achieve the same effect of defining a
method for all instances:

module Mixins::A
  def test_it
    # Helper here does not make sense, unless it's

Iuri, why do you think you need to construct the code you showed?
There's probably another - better - way. For example, you could add
an instance method helper which returns the class, e.g.

module Mixins
  module A
    def test_it

module Foo
class Helper

class Bar
   include ::Mixins::A
   def helper; Helper; end


Kind regards



On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 5:35 PM, Jan E. <> wrote:

remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end