Cast iron Christmas tree stand

We produce cast iron Christmas tree stand.
We welcome you to visit our website: (click"English")in any
convenience. If you have chance to visit China, we welcome you to visit our factory that
located in Shenzhen City Guangdong Province,China.
Best regards

                        Sincerely yours

                       Lucy Young

Fengyuan hardware factory of Shenzhen(the furniture)

Add: N0.3 phoenix隆炉s way phoenix隆炉s hillock industrial zone, baoan
district, Shenzhen, China
Tel:0086-755-27845051, 27939680,27939677
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We produce cast iron Christmas tree stand.

I know Ruby is powerful, but I did not know you could produce "cast iron
Christmas tree stand"s with it.
Is this on available on RAA ?

Sorry, could not resist :wink:

Happy Whitsun,

  • Shashank Date; 2003-06-08, 18:18 UTC:

I know Ruby is powerful, but I did not know you could produce "cast
iron Christmas tree stand"s with it.

If it can produce Xmas trees so it should be able to create a stand
as well:

height = 20
size = height * 3 / 4
tree =
size.times {|i| tree.push(’ '*(size-i) + ‘/’*i + ‘\’*i) }
(height-size).times {|i| tree.push ’ ’ * (size-2) + ‘| |’}
puts tree

1:3 seems to be a nice ratio for Xmas trees.

Josef ‘Jupp’ Schugt