Z does exist but is a program specification language, a terrible thing
that you learn in university.
second that! The painful memories of Z (only two lectures, but it was awful)
Z does exist but is a program specification language, a terrible thing
that you learn in university.
second that! The painful memories of Z (only two lectures, but it was awful)
Selon Lothar Scholz <mailinglists@scriptolutions.com>:
Z does exist but is a program specification language, a terrible thing
that you learn in university. Eiffel is a real language based on Z. So
we are just adding one or two more letters to the language name.
So *that's* why I found Eiffel so awful when I looked at it!
For what is worth, I'm looking at Sather right now. It is inspired from Eiffel
(up to its name, referring to the Sather tower of Berkeley ), but has
derived away from it, and adopted many nice ideas like iterator methods,
closures, etc... that make it look a bit like Ruby. Actually, Sather looks
quite a bit like Ruby, with the main difference being that it is statistically
typed. I often find conventions used by Ruby that are used by Sather too,
although not always for the same use (for instance, Sather uses the ! character
at the end of some methods, but it uses it for iterators rather than for
destructive methods). Method names are often similar to those used in Ruby.
All in all Sather is quite an interesting language from a Ruby point of view.
Too bad that its community is non-existent (although the official compiler, GNU
Sather, is still reasonably supported, last update being in June of this year).
It takes a straight mind to create a twisted conlang.
And the best known one in the US, thanks to a chain store called "Toys
ya Us"
Christian Neukirchen <chneukirchen@gmail.com> wrote:
I think I've seen a language called "ya" already, which would be a
cyrillic letter...
Thanks - those are just the pointers I needed.
On 10/7/05, Ryan Davis <ryand-ruby@zenspider.com> wrote:
The C builder has API to do this:
class X
inline(:C) do |builder|
builder.add_link_flags "whatever"
# ...
endIt is fairly well documented. Just generate the rdoc and poke around.
The better route to go is to build your own ruby and it'll pick up
all the things it needs automatically.Read rbconfig.rb for where we get all our building information.
Christophe Grandsire wrote:
Selon Lothar Scholz <mailinglists@scriptolutions.com>:
Actually, Sather looks
quite a bit like Ruby, with the main difference being that it is statistically
I'm not familiar with statistical typing. Does this mean that the
compiler guesses a variable's type based on a random sample of similar
variables from previous programs?
Hello Christophe,
All in all Sather is quite an interesting language from a Ruby point of view.
Too bad that its community is non-existent (although the official compiler, GNU
Sather, is still reasonably supported, last update being in June of this year).
Because it was never useable in practice. A very bad compiler for
practical use and no libraries. It was always nothing more then a
research project from one professor and his small group.
Best regards, emailto: scholz at scriptolutions dot com
Lothar Scholz http://www.ruby-ide.com
CTO Scriptolutions Ruby, PHP, Python IDE 's
Selon Karl von Laudermann <doodpants@mailinator.com>:
> Actually, Sather looks
> quite a bit like Ruby, with the main difference being that it is
> typed.I'm not familiar with statistical typing. Does this mean that the
compiler guesses a variable's type based on a random sample of similar
variables from previous programs?
LOL! Oops! I naturally meant *statically* typed (never do five things at the
same time!), although I must say I like the idea of statistical typing the way
you describe it . I foresee nice derivatives like fashionable typing (a
variable gets the type the majority of variables get at a certain time), ghetto
typing (the variable gets the type of variables that look like it in similar
programs) or rebel typing (the variable gets a completely different and if
possible opposite type from similar variables in classes in the inheritance
chain of the variable's class ).
And they said Intercal was difficult .
It takes a straight mind to create a twisted conlang.
Karl von Laudermann wrote:
I'm not familiar with statistical typing. Does this mean that the
compiler guesses a variable's type based on a random sample of similar
variables from previous programs?
Somewhat related: