Can one simulate go to in Ruby? Is it possible?

Is it possible to have a go to in Ruby without having a go to?
If yes, How?
Thanks again, You guys are the best. Maybe Eiffel will have a similar
support one day.

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"Roman K9" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Is it possible to have a go to in Ruby without having a go to?
If yes, How?
Thanks again, You guys are the best. Maybe Eiffel will have a similar
support one day.

You might be able to do it with continuations (callcc) but I wonder what
you're cooking up there. Is this some kind of competition (putting "goto"
into languages that don't support it) or do you have a specific problem
that you think cannot be solved without "goto"?

Kind regards


See if this is any help:

although it's more an academic exercise in understanding continuations
rather than something you'd actually want to use in practice.



Roman K9 ha scritto:

Is it possible to have a go to in Ruby without having a go to?
If yes, How?
Thanks again, You guys are the best. Maybe Eiffel will have a similar
support one day.

I guess my previous mail did'nt make it to the ml/ng:

def goto(cont)

label= callcc{|k| k }

puts 'loop'

goto label

exit! #never arrive here

Everybody else has shown the black magic, so I'll take an easier approach. Are you aware of catch/throw?

James Edward Gray II


On Oct 15, 2004, at 6:04 AM, Roman K9 wrote:

Is it possible to have a go to in Ruby without having a go to?
If yes, How?

Roman K9 wrote:

Is it possible to have a go to in Ruby without having a go to?

Thanks! Thanks a lot!

I was so careful to make sure I never even learned if Ruby _had_ a 'goto'
keyword, and now you go and post this!



catch/throw allow the creation of goto like behaviour, including
spaghetti code if abused.


Quoteing, on Fri, Oct 15, 2004 at 08:04:28PM +0900:


Is it possible to have a go to in Ruby without having a go to?
If yes, How?
Thanks again, You guys are the best. Maybe Eiffel will have a similar
support one day.

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--- code ---
#!/home/ummaycoc/bin/ruby -w

# Number stuff down the side
# REM means remark (NO number)
# No number means continue last number
# \ is same as no number...
# -d debug mode.

class NRuby
  def initialize(debug = false)
    @line = 0
    @next = nil
    @debug = debug

  def goto(line)
    @next = line

  def stop()
    @next = nil

  def NRuby.error(msg)
    $stderr.puts("NRubyErr: #{msg}")

  def debug(code, line)
    if @debug then
      puts "NO CODE #{line}" unless code[line]
      puts "**#{line}**\n#{code[line]}\n" if code[line]

  def, start)
    code, prev =, start
    input.each {|line|
      doPrev = false
      case line
        when /^\s*REM(\s+|(\s*$))/i then ;
        when /^\s*$/ then ;
        when /^\s*(\d+)\s+(.*)$/ then prev = $1.to_i
                     code[prev] = [$2]
        when /^\s*\\\s+(.*)$/ then doPrev, line = true, $1
        else doPrev = true
      error "No Previous Line!" if prev.nil? && doPrev
      code[prev] = [] unless code.include? prev
      code[prev] << line if doPrev

    code.each_key {|key|
      code[key] = code[key].join(" \n")


  def execute(code)
    lastline = code.keys.max
    until @line.nil? || @line > lastline
      debug(code, @line)
      @next = nil
      eval(code[@line]) if code[@line]
      @line = @next || @line + 1

debug = false
if ARGV.length > 0 then
  if ARGV.include? "-d" then
    debug = true
    ARGV.delete "-d"

@___nruby___, start =, nil

if ARGV.length > 0 then
  stdin_read, lines = false, nil
  until ARGV.empty? do
    arg = ARGV.shift
    case arg
      when /^-+h/i
        $stderr.puts <<-END_HELP
  #{File.basename($0)} [-z|-s num] [-d] [files+]
    -z sets the first number label to zero - for unlabeled code at
beginning of program.
    -s num sets the first number label to num. Same use as -z.
    -d debug mode.
    files list what files to read from. - is stdin.

    If no inputs are given, a program is read from stdin and executed.
      when '-'
        NRuby.error "Already read from stdin." if stdin_read
        stdin_read = true
        lines = $stdin.readlines
      when '-z'
        start = 0
      when '-s'
        NRuby.error "No argument given with -s." if ARGV.empty?
        start = ARGV.shift
        NRuby.error "Argument to -s must be integer." unless start =~ /-?\d+$/
        start = start.to_i
        NRuby.error "#{arg} doesn't exist..." unless FileTest.exists?(arg)
        NRuby.error "#{arg} isn't a file..." unless FileTest.file?(arg)
        NRuby.error "#{arg} isn't readable..." unless FileTest.readable?(arg)
        lines = File.readlines(arg)

    lines ||= $stdin.readlines
    lines.each {|l| l.chomp!}
    @___nruby___.execute(, start))
  lines = $ {|l| l.chomp}
  if lines.nil? || lines.empty? then
    NRuby.error "No input given."
    @___nruby___.execute(, start))

--- a usage ---
[ummaycoc@queen ummaycoc]$ echo '
10 x = 1
11 x += 1
12 puts x
15 goto 18 if x == 10
16 goto 11
18 puts "done"
stop' | nruby
[ummaycoc@queen ummaycoc]$

--- usage 2 & 3 ---

[ummaycoc@queen bin]$ echo 'puts "hi"' | nruby
NRubyErr: No Previous Line!
[ummaycoc@queen bin]$ echo 'puts "hi"' | nruby -z
[ummaycoc@queen bin]$



There's no word in the English language for what you do to a dead
thing to make it stop chasing you.

Hi everyone,
Thanks for the evil info.
I did not mean to force the GOTO taboo on Ruby. Just wanted to know.
Thanks again,


On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 07:57:44 +0900, Sam Roberts <> wrote:

catch/throw allow the creation of goto like behaviour, including
spaghetti code if abused.


Quoteing, on Fri, Oct 15, 2004 at 08:04:28PM +0900:

Is it possible to have a go to in Ruby without having a go to?
If yes, How?
Thanks again, You guys are the best. Maybe Eiffel will have a similar
support one day.

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----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==---- The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! >100,000 Newsgroups
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Matt Maycock wrote:

--- a usage ---
[ummaycoc@queen ummaycoc]$ echo '
10 x = 1
11 x += 1
12 puts x
15 goto 18 if x == 10
16 goto 11
18 puts "done"
stop' | nruby

That's just...wrong. Wow. :slight_smile: Thanks for the enlightenment, Matt!

- Jamis


Jamis Buck

class NRuby


  def execute(code)


      eval(code[@line]) if code[@line]

The trouble with that is that you are *recompiling* each line as you run it.
I would expect that to make it very slow.

That's why my BASIC-like attempt at RubyTalk:78458 used continuations, but
in two passes: first read through all the lines generating continuations but
not executing the blocks; then set a flag which lets them execute, and then
start again at the top (no central loop). The two-pass approach is needed so
that forward gotos work.

Admittedly it doesn't enforce numeric ordering of lines; if you do

line(10) { x }
line(30) { y }
line(20) { z }

then they will be executed in the sequence x, y, z. [Although as I wrote it,
the line with the lowest number is used as the starting point for execution]



In article <>,


Matt Maycock <> wrote:

[ Unholy morphing of Ruby into Basic deleted]

_ Man, that's just evil....

_ Booker C. Bense

10 x = 1
11 x += 1
12 puts x
15 goto 18 if x == 10
16 goto 11
18 puts "done"

Ewwwwww…lol... reminds me of walking into Radio Shack stores
as a kid and typing

20 GOTO 10

There's no word in the English language for what you do to a dead
thing to make it stop chasing you.

"dismember" ?

(Is woodchipper one word? :wink:




From: "Matt Maycock" <>

Actually, I made the fatal mistake of leaving some of that code in the
middle of a fix (a few months ago). Here's the good stuff:
(was changing how stop() works, and taking care of a case of the -z
and -s i arguments (beginning line empty...))


There's no word in the English language for what you do to a dead
thing to make it stop chasing you.

--- code ---
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

# Number stuff down the side
# REM means remark (NO number)
# No number means continue last number
# \ is same as no number...
# -d debug mode.

class NRuby
  def initialize(debug = false)
    @line = 0
    @next = nil
    @debug = debug

  def goto(line)
    @next = line

  def stop()
    @next = :stop

  def NRuby.error(msg)
    $stderr.puts("NRubyErr: #{msg}")

  def debug(code, line)
    if @debug then
      puts "NO CODE #{line}" unless code[line]
      puts "**#{line}**\n#{code[line]}\n" if code[line]

  def, start)
    code, prev =, start
    input.each {|line|
      doPrev = false
      case line
        when /^\s*REM(\s+|(\s*$))/i then ;
        when /^\s*$/ then ;
        when /^\s*(\d+)\s+(.*)$/ then prev = $1.to_i
                     code[prev] = [$2]
        when /^\s*\\\s+(.*)$/ then doPrev, line = true, $1
        else doPrev = true
      error "No Previous Line!" if prev.nil? && doPrev

      unless prev.nil? then
        code[prev] = [] unless code.include? prev
        code[prev] << line if doPrev

    code.each_key {|key|
      code[key] = code[key].join(" \n")


  def execute(code)
    lastline = code.keys.max
    until @line == :stop || @line > lastline
      debug(code, @line)
      @next = nil
      eval(code[@line]) if code[@line]
      @line = @next || @line + 1

debug = false
if ARGV.length > 0 then
  if ARGV.include? "-d" then
    debug = true
    ARGV.delete "-d"

@___nruby___, start =, nil

if ARGV.length > 0 then
  stdin_read, lines = false, nil
  until ARGV.empty? do
    arg = ARGV.shift
    case arg
      when /^-+h/i
        $stderr.puts <<-END_HELP
  #{File.basename($0)} [-z|-s num] [-d] [files+]
    -z sets the first number label to zero - for unlabeled code at
beginning of program.
    -s num sets the first number label to num. Same use as -z.
    -d debug mode.
    files list what files to read from. - is stdin.

    If no inputs are given, a program is read from stdin and executed.
      when '-'
        NRuby.error "Already read from stdin." if stdin_read
        stdin_read = true
        lines = $stdin.readlines
      when '-z'
        start = 0
      when '-s'
        NRuby.error "No argument given with -s." if ARGV.empty?
        start = ARGV.shift
        NRuby.error "Argument to -s must be integer." unless start =~ /-?\d+$/
        start = start.to_i
        NRuby.error "#{arg} doesn't exist..." unless FileTest.exists?(arg)
        NRuby.error "#{arg} isn't a file..." unless FileTest.file?(arg)
        NRuby.error "#{arg} isn't readable..." unless FileTest.readable?(arg)
        lines = File.readlines(arg)

    lines ||= $stdin.readlines
    lines.each {|l| l.chomp!}
    @___nruby___.execute(, start))
  lines = $ {|l| l.chomp}
  if lines.nil? || lines.empty? then
    NRuby.error "No input given."
    @___nruby___.execute(, start))

Dismember a dead thing? It will now follow you in parts!

Woodchipper doesn't count. You can't woodchipper a dead thing, same
as that you can't automobile it (you could woodchip it, or run over

Trust me - there isn't a word. But there should be!



There's no word in the English language for what you do to a dead
thing to make it stop chasing you.



On 2004-10-15, Bill Kelly <> wrote:

There's no word in the English language for what you do to a dead
thing to make it stop chasing you.

"dismember" ?

You're right, there isn't ONE word. That's because everyone knows YOU SHOOT IT

(unless your talking about demonized dead things, but then there is little
hope anyway.)



On Friday 15 October 2004 03:17 pm, Matt Maycock wrote:

Dismember a dead thing? It will now follow you in parts!

Woodchipper doesn't count. You can't woodchipper a dead thing, same
as that you can't automobile it (you could woodchip it, or run over

Trust me - there isn't a word. But there should be!

How about "hug"?

-- Markus


On Sat, 2004-10-16 at 06:49, Curt wrote:

On 2004-10-15, Bill Kelly <> wrote:

>> There's no word in the English language for what you do to a dead
>> thing to make it stop chasing you.