Can Not Get Ruby to Run in Windows CMD Window

Hi All,

As the subject says.."Can Not Get Ruby to Run in Windows CMD Window"

I have Ruby installed: C:\Ruby

I was reading the Programming Ruby - The Pragmatic Programmers'
Guide. It says to bring up the Shell Prompt and type Ruby, then puts
"Hello World"

When I type Ruby <enter> puts "Hello World" nothing happens. What am
I doing wrong?

Thank you.


Type Ctrl+Z after that and you would get the output. I would recommed that
you type your programme in an editor and then run them using

c:\> ruby yourprogramfile.rb

The best way however if you would like to learn ruby is use Interactive Ruby
(IRB). Typing *irb* at the command prompt would give you the IRB shell.


On 2/3/07, Brad <> wrote:

Hi All,

As the subject says.."Can Not Get Ruby to Run in Windows CMD Window"

I have Ruby installed: C:\Ruby

I was reading the Programming Ruby - The Pragmatic Programmers'
Guide. It says to bring up the Shell Prompt and type Ruby, then puts
"Hello World"

When I type Ruby <enter> puts "Hello World" nothing happens. What am
I doing wrong?

Thank you.


the ruby executable reads from stdin (and is totally silent) until you
send it a ctrl-D, I think. At that point it will process the text you
typed in.



On Feb 3, 9:21 am, "Brad" <> wrote:

Hi All,

As the subject says.."Can Not Get Ruby to Run in Windows CMD Window"

I have Ruby installed: C:\Ruby

I was reading the Programming Ruby - The Pragmatic Programmers'
Guide. It says to bring up the Shell Prompt and type Ruby, then puts
"Hello World"

When I type Ruby <enter> puts "Hello World" nothing happens. What am
I doing wrong?

Thank you.


In addition to what Kevin said, keep in mind that "ruby" runs the Ruby
interpreter, while "irb" runs the interactive ruby interpreter.



On Feb 3, 9:21 am, "Brad" <> wrote:

Hi All,

As the subject says.."Can Not Get Ruby to Run in Windows CMD Window"

I have Ruby installed: C:\Ruby

I was reading the Programming Ruby - The Pragmatic Programmers'
Guide. It says to bring up the Shell Prompt and type Ruby, then puts
"Hello World"

When I type Ruby <enter> puts "Hello World" nothing happens. What am
I doing wrong?

Thank you.
