Can anybody tell me please!

I have read about Exceptions.
While reading all the error,I have faced lot of problems.
here I have listed out the more errors.
I want to know the uses of all errors.
anyone ,who knows very well in exceptions,that person could explain the
errors for me.
List of errors:

    * ArgumentError
    * IndexError
    * Interrupt
    * LoadError
    * NameError
    * NoMemoryError
    * NoMethodError
    * NotImplementedError
    * RangeError
    * RuntimeError
    * ScriptError
    * SecurityError
    * SignalException
    * StandardError
    * SyntaxError
    * SystemCallError
    * SystemExit
    * TypeError



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I have read about Exceptions.
While reading all the error,I have faced lot of problems.
here I have listed out the more errors.
I want to know the uses of all errors.
anyone ,who knows very well in exceptions,that person could explain the
errors for me.

You can see the Exceptions hierarchy here:

Here are brief explanations:

List of errors:
    * ArgumentError

more or less arguments were sent to a method than expected

    * IndexError

I guess invalid index (i.e. reading from array past its end)

    * Interrupt

Ctrl-Break pressed (SIGINT)

    * LoadError

failure in load or require

    * NameError
    * NoMemoryError

Out of memory

    * NoMethodError

invalid method called - no such method is defined

    * NotImplementedError

placeholder - you put raise NotImplementedError into methods that you
plan to implement later, and want to see clearly (e.g. in your tests)
that the method is still not implemented

    * RangeError

i guess invalid range specified

    * RuntimeError

general runtime error (default for empty raise)

    * ScriptError

general error (see hierarchy)

    * SecurityError

see $SAFE and taint

    * SignalException

probably something with signal handling

    * StandardError

general base class

    * SyntaxError


    * SystemCallError


    * SystemExit

i guess Kernel#exit raises this

    * TypeError



On 9/25/07, Vellingiri Arul <> wrote: