Calling ruby from a windows app?

From: Egbert Teeselink []


I was looking around for scripting languages that'd enable me to add
some sort of scripting to my application when i stumbled into ruby. it
seems quite an excellent scripting language, however i've not managed
to be able to reference it from the outside much - i may be looking in
the wrong places.

I guess what I'm looking for is some ruby.dll that has
RunScript("gak.rb"); and InvokeMethod("moo",args); and all that, and
also ExposeObject("texgen",mytexgen->objdef); and a callback function
or something like that. Does anything like this exist? Or any way to
fake this behaviour without getting all too hacky?


This got me going when I was looking for embedding ruby into c++:

Perhaps it helps you, too.

