I've written quite a bit of logic into DLL's using C#. I would like
to leverage that logic in my Ruby scripts, but I am unsure where to
start or how to start. I've installed RubyClr, but no documentation
installed with it.
Is RubyClr the correct path to take? Where can I find examples?
Should I be looking elsewhere?
Any and all recommendations are appreciated.
I have used RubyCLR and ruby-mono[1], but don't know if I still have
any of the old projects sitting around. There is also the Sapphire in
Steel Ruby bridge[2] or perhaps hitting .Net via Win32 COM. I have
some links in my mail archives[3,4,5] but don't know if they still are
alive or useful since my company doesn't allow outbound http anymore.
[1] http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/ruby-mono/
[2] ...
[3] RubyCLR – Ruby meets .NET | Accidental Technologist (old)
[4] http://www.iunknown.com/articles/tag/rubyclr
[5] http://rubyforge.org/plugins/scmsvn/viewcvs.php/trunk/Samples/?root=rubyclr
Found this snippet:
require 'rubyclr'
RubyClr::reference_file 'Assembly.dll'
include Assembly
connection = DataStoreConnection.new
On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 4:14 PM, dkmd_nielsen <donn@cmscms.com> wrote:
I've written quite a bit of logic into DLL's using C#. I would like
to leverage that logic in my Ruby scripts, but I am unsure where to
start or how to start. I've installed RubyClr, but no documentation
installed with it.
Is RubyClr the correct path to take? Where can I find examples?
Should I be looking elsewhere?
Is RubyClr the correct path to take? Where can I find examples?
Should I be looking elsewhere?
Have you looked at ruby/dl?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.
Found an old ruby-mono project while I was cleaning up:
require 'mono'
class RPCClient
def initialize server
@assembly = Mono::loadAssembly( "rpcclient.dll" )
@RPC = @assembly.new "Remoting::Client"
@RPC.Initialize( server )
def call rpc_call
@RPC.Call( rpc_call )
Remoting::Client was a C# class that would send a string request over
a TCP remote channel to a Remoting::Server and return the string
On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 5:14 PM, <brabuhr@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 4:14 PM, dkmd_nielsen <donn@cmscms.com> wrote:
I've written quite a bit of logic into DLL's using C#. I would like
to leverage that logic in my Ruby scripts, but I am unsure where to
start or how to start. I've installed RubyClr, but no documentation
installed with it.
Is RubyClr the correct path to take? Where can I find examples?
Should I be looking elsewhere?
I have used RubyCLR and ruby-mono[1], but don't know if I still have
any of the old projects sitting around.