I've got the following bit of C code;
static VALUE do_destroy(...) { ...; return Qnil; }
cObjectSpace = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("ObjectSpace"));
rb_include_module(cFoo, cObjectSpace);
/* ... somewhere inside constructor... */
p = rb_proc_new(do_destroy, obj);
fprintf(stderr, "created new proc; class %s\n", rb_obj_classname(p));
rb_funcall(obj, rb_intern("define_finalizer"), 1, p);
Basically, I need to define a finalizer from within a constructor, but I'm
running into the following problems:
1) define_finalizer throws an exception:
ArgumentError: tried to create Proc object without a block
I'm not sure what would cause that. The proc object should have a block..
2) At least in irb, calling define_finalizer within a class, and passing
it self as the first arg, causes nothing to happen. Is define_finalizer
the proper way to do this sort of thing, or is there a better way? Note
that I don't want to use Data_Make_Struct's free callback, as I need this
to be overridable by users of the class.