I have the following test script. My objective is to have an array of
dates between this week's Thursday and some date in the past that I get
out of a call to a database. You can see the output below which is not
what I wanted. I am thinking it is in the way I return data and call my
recursive routine. What am I missing?
I am hoping for data like, which later I can loop through:
[ [Thu Jul 09 12:00:00 -0700 2009],
[Thu Jul 02 12:00:00 -0700 2009],
[Thu Jun 25 12:00:00 -0700 2009],
[Thu Jun 18 12:00:00 -0700 2009],
[Thu Jun 11 13:14:44 -0700 2009] ]
Thanks for any help ya'll can provide.
require 'rubygems'
require 'Chronic'
require 'Time'
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
def get_weeks( this_dt, max_dt )
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
# recursively calculate thursdays
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
return this_dt.to_a if ( this_dt.strftime( "%Y%m%b" ) ==
max_dt.strftime( "%Y%m%b" ) )
puts "get_week_list(): 4. this_dt: #{this_dt.inspect}"
puts "get_week_list(): 5. max_dt: #{max_dt.inspect}"
next_dt = Chronic.parse( 'Last Thursday at noon', :now => this_dt )
puts "get_week_list(): 6. next_dt: #{next_dt.inspect}\n\n"
return get_weeks( next_dt, max_dt ).to_a
end # get_weeks
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
def get_week_list( u_id )
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
# return an array of dates between now and when this user was created
# ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
# ---------- ---------- ----------
# what is this week's "end point".
# Either today or calculated
# ---------- ---------- ----------
this_week_end = Time.now
puts "get_week_list(): Today's day: #{this_week_end.wday.to_s}"
if Time.now.wday != 4 # not thursday
this_week_end = Chronic.parse( 'Last Thursday at noon', :now =>
Time.now )
puts "get_week_list(): 1. this_week_end: #{this_week_end.inspect}"
# ---------- ---------- ----------
# How far back should we get a list?
# How about to when this user was created?
# ---------- ---------- ----------
max_date = Time.parse( 'Thu Jun 11 13:14:44 -0700 2009' ) # from a db
puts "get_week_list(): 2. max_date's day: #{max_date.wday.to_s}"
if max_date.wday != 4
max_date = Chronic.parse( 'Last Thursday at noon', :now => max_date
puts "get_week_list(): 3. max_date: #{max_date.inspect}\n\n"
# ---------- ---------- ----------
# recursively calc between the two
# ---------- ---------- ----------
dates = Array.new
dates << get_weeks( this_week_end, max_date )
return dates
end # get_week_list
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
dts = Array.new
dts << get_week_list( 2 )
puts dts.inspect
puts dts.class
C:\A\ruby>ruby w.rb
get_week_list(): Today's day: 5
get_week_list(): 1. this_week_end: Thu Jul 09 12:00:00 -0700 2009
get_week_list(): 2. max_date's day: 4
get_week_list(): 3. max_date: Thu Jun 11 13:14:44 -0700 2009
get_week_list(): 4. this_dt: Thu Jul 09 12:00:00 -0700 2009
get_week_list(): 5. max_dt: Thu Jun 11 13:14:44 -0700 2009
get_week_list(): 6. next_dt: Thu Jul 02 12:00:00 -0700 2009
get_week_list(): 4. this_dt: Thu Jul 02 12:00:00 -0700 2009
get_week_list(): 5. max_dt: Thu Jun 11 13:14:44 -0700 2009
get_week_list(): 6. next_dt: Thu Jun 25 12:00:00 -0700 2009
[[[0, 0, 12, 25, 6, 2009, 4, 176, true, "Pacific Daylight Time"]]]
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.