C++ 2 Ruby

Greetings Ruby fans :slight_smile:
From a couple of months I've been learning C++ but after I found out
about Ruby... it's just GREAT!
Right now im at a beginner level, trying to convert some simplier code
to Ruby (it's easier for me to learn this way)
Can somebody please help me a little? ;>
Ofcourse a working example would be also nice :wink:

BTW sorry for my English...

#include<math.h> //WHAT TO DO WITH THOSE

#pragma argsused
using namespace std;
class Drink{
   double price;
   char name[20];
   int amount,bought;
   Drink(double cen, int how_much, char* nn) {
   double change(double x){
          amount--; //HOW TO DO THIS
          return x-price;
   int amounti() {return amount;};
   double pricea(){return price;};
   int buy(){return bought;};
   bool canbuy(){
        if (amount==0)
        return false;
        else return true;
   void namea(){cout<<name;};
   friend class Automat; //WHAT TO DO WIGHT THIS
class Automat{
         double tab[2][8],u,w,x;
  Automat(double pie,double dwa,double jed,double piec,double
dwad,double dzi)
  void Coinsy(Drink *n,double s,int g){
              for (int i = 0; i <=5; i++) {
              for (double j =w; j>0; j--) {
                if ((x-tab[1][i])> -0.0001) {
  void write(){
        cout<<"Coins 5zl: "<<tab[0][0]<<endl;
        cout<<"Coins 2zl: "<<tab[0][1]<<endl;
        cout<<"Coins 1zl: "<<tab[0][2]<<endl;
        cout<<"Coins 50gr: "<<tab[0][3]<<endl;
        cout<<"Coins 20gr: "<<tab[0][4]<<endl;
        cout<<"Coins 10gr: "<<tab[0][5]<<endl;
  void add(double x){
        if (x==5) tab[0][0]++;
        if (x==2) tab[0][1]++;
        if (x==1) tab[0][2]++;
        if (x==0.5)tab[0][3]++;
        if (x==0.2)tab[0][4]++;
        if (x==0.1)tab[0][5]++;

int main()
    int q=1,y,i,g;
    double m=1,s=0;
Automat p(15,15,20,25,25,25);
   Drink Drinke[3]= {

      cout<<"What would you like to do?"<<endl;
cout<<"Kupic Drink: press 1"<<endl;
cout<<"Print Coins report: press 2"<<endl;
cout<<"Print bought Drinks report: press 3"<<endl;
cout<<"Exit: press 0"<<endl;


case 1: {
     for (int j = 0; j <3; j++) {
             cout<<": "<<Drinke[j].pricea()<<" nacisnij "<<j<<endl;
     if (Drinke[g].canbuy()) {
      while (y!=0){
                cout<<"Coins Input: "<<s<<endl<<" What to do: \n\t\t
Input Coins: 0 \n\t\t Buy Drink: 1 \n\t\t Cancel: 2"<<endl;
      cout<<"Your choice: ";
      if (y==0) {
        cout<<"Input Coins. ";
      if ((y==1)&&(Drinke[g].change(s)<0)) {cout<<"No cash. Input
        else {
        cout<<"change: "<<endl;
                if (y==2) { break; }
      else cout<<"No such drink."<<endl;
case 2:
case 3: {
        system("cls"); //CAN YOU CLEAR SCREEN IN RUBY?
     cout<<"Drinks bought: "<<endl;
     for (int i=0; i <3; i++) {
        cout<<": "<<Drinke[i].buy()<<endl;
getchar(); getchar();
  return 0;


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

You might have better luck asking for help with specific sections of
code, rather than asking us to rewrite a whole program. Try doing a
best-guest translation to Ruby on your own, and asking about the parts
you have trouble with.


On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 2:40 PM, Jed Kowalski <satanowicz@gmail.com> wrote:

Greetings Ruby fans :slight_smile:
From a couple of months I've been learning C++ but after I found out
about Ruby... it's just GREAT!
Right now im at a beginner level, trying to convert some simplier code
to Ruby (it's easier for me to learn this way)
Can somebody please help me a little? ;>
Ofcourse a working example would be also nice :wink:


Home: http://avdi.org
Developer Blog: Avdi Grimm, Code Cleric
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Avdi Grimm wrote:

You might have better luck asking for help with specific sections of
code, rather than asking us to rewrite a whole program. Try doing a
best-guest translation to Ruby on your own, and asking about the parts
you have trouble with.

ok so, here's the first problem:
   def initialize (cen, ile, nn)

    def change(x)
          return x-price //WHATS WRONG HERE?

and I get:

gut.rb:13: void value expression
          return x-cena
gut.rb:13: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting kEND
          return x-cena


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Jed Kowalski wrote:

Avdi Grimm wrote:

You might have better luck asking for help with specific sections of
code, rather than asking us to rewrite a whole program. Try doing a
best-guest translation to Ruby on your own, and asking about the parts
you have trouble with.

ok so, here's the first problem:
   def initialize (cen, ile, nn)

    def change(x)
          return x-price //WHATS WRONG HERE?

and I get:

gut.rb:13: void value expression
          return x-cena
gut.rb:13: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting kEND
          return x-cena

Well, if you want to refer to the @amount, @bought, and @price instance variables in the change() method you have to use the correct names. Also Ruby doesn't have the -- and ++ methods.

def change(x)
    @amount -= 1
    @bought += 1
    return x - @price


RMagick: http://rmagick.rubyforge.org/
RMagick 2: http://rmagick.rubyforge.org/rmagick2.html

Jed Kowalski wrote:

    def change(x)
          return x-price //WHATS WRONG HERE?

and I get:

gut.rb:13: void value expression
          return x-cena

I think a google search for "Instance Variables" should enlighten you :slight_smile:

-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 05:38:30 +0900
Von: Jed Kowalski <satanowicz@gmail.com>
An: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org
Betreff: Re: C++ 2 Ruby

Avdi Grimm wrote:
> You might have better luck asking for help with specific sections of
> code, rather than asking us to rewrite a whole program. Try doing a
> best-guest translation to Ruby on your own, and asking about the parts
> you have trouble with.

ok so, here's the first problem:
   def initialize (cen, ile, nn)

    def change(x)
          return x-price //WHATS WRONG HERE?

and I get:

gut.rb:13: void value expression
          return x-cena
gut.rb:13: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting kEND
          return x-cena

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Jed, you could do this:

class MyClass # my most creative invention of a class name
  attr_accessor :price,:amount,:name,:bought # creates ways to get/set @price,@amount,... from MyClass

def initialize (cen, ile, nn)
    def change(x)
  p obj.change(1) # -499 =1-500
Read about accessors here: http://www.ruby-doc.org/docs/UsersGuide/rg/accessors.html

Best regards,



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Axel Etzold wrote:

Jed, you could do this:

class MyClass # my most creative invention of a class name
  attr_accessor :price,:amount,:name,:bought # creates ways to get/set
@price,@amount,... from MyClass

def initialize (cen, ile, nn)
    def change(x)

  p obj.change(1) # -499 =1-500

Read about accessors here:

Best regards,


ufff... almoust done...
I can compile the code but it doesn't want to work, juz like the
variable q isn't seen properly, something with the 'case' instruction
(BTW sorry for Polish texts)

class Napoj

   def initialize (cen, ile, nn)

    def wydajreszte(x)
          return x-cena
   def ilosci() return ilosc end
   def cenaa() return cena end
   def kupno() return kupione end
   def czyjest()
        if ilosc==0 then
        return false
        else return true
   def nazwaa() puts nazwa end

class Automat

  def initialize (pie, dwa, jed, piec, dwad, dzi)
    @tab = [[pie, dwa, jed, piec, dwad, dzi],[5,2,1,0.5,0.2,0.1]]
   def monety(n, s, g)
              for i in 1.. 5
              for w in w..0
                if (x-tab[1][i])> -0.0001 then
                                                   puts tab[1][i]
  def wypisz()
        puts "Monet 5zl: ", tab[0][0]
        puts "Monet 2zl: ", tab[0][1]
        puts "Monet 1zl: ", tab[0][2]
        puts "Monet 50gr: ", tab[0][3]
        puts "Monet 20gr: ", tab[0][4]
        puts "Monet 10gr: ", tab[0][5]
  def dodaj(x)
        if x==5 then tab[0][0]+=1 end
        if x==2 then tab[0][1]+=1 end
        if x==1 then tab[0][2]+=1 end
        if x==0.5 then tab[0][3]+=1 end
        if x==0.2 then tab[0][4]+=1 end
        if x==0.1 then tab[0][5]+=1 end

p = Automat.new(15,15,20,25,25,25)
napoje = [
   Napoj.new(2.1,20,"Fanta") ]

while q!=0
      puts "Co chcesz zrobic?"
puts "Kupic napoj: nacisnij 1"
puts "Wydrukowac raport o monetach: nacisnij 2"
puts "Wydrukowac raport o kupionych napojach: nacisnij 3"
puts "Wyjsc: nacisnij 0"

q = gets
puts q

case q

when 1

     for j in 0..2
             puts ": "+napoje[j].cenaa()+" nacisnij "+j
     g = gets
     if napoje[g].czyjest() then
      while y!=0
                puts "Monety wrzucne: "+s+" Co chcesz zrobic: \n\t\t
Wrzuc monete: 0 \n\t\t Kup napoj: 1 \n\t\t Anuluj: 2"
      puts "Twoj wybor: "
      y = gets
      if y==0 then
        puts "Wrzuc monete. "
                m = gets
      if y==1 && napoje[g].wydajreszte(s)<0 then puts "Brak srodkow.
Wrzuc monete."
        puts "reszta: "
                if y==2 then break end

      else puts "Brak zadanego napoju."
when 2
when 3
     puts "Kupiles: "
     for i in 0..2
        puts ": ", napoje[i].kupno()


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 07:53:25 +0900
Von: Jed Kowalski <satanowicz@gmail.com>
An: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org
Betreff: Re: C++ 2 Ruby

Axel Etzold wrote:
> Jed, you could do this:
> class MyClass # my most creative invention of a class name
> attr_accessor :price,:amount,:name,:bought # creates ways to get/set
> @price,@amount,... from MyClass
> def initialize (cen, ile, nn)
> @price=cen
> @amount=ile
> @name=nn
> @bought=0
> end
> def change(x)
> @amount-=1
> @bought+=1
> x-self.price
> end
> end
> cen=500
> ile=400
> nn=4
> obj=MyClass.new(cen,ile,nn)
> p obj.change(1) # -499 =1-500
> Read about accessors here:
> http://www.ruby-doc.org/docs/UsersGuide/rg/accessors.html
> Best regards,
> Axel

ufff... almoust done...
I can compile the code but it doesn't want to work, juz like the
variable q isn't seen properly, something with the 'case' instruction
(BTW sorry for Polish texts)

class Napoj

   def initialize (cen, ile, nn)

    def wydajreszte(x)
          return x-cena
   def ilosci() return ilosc end
   def cenaa() return cena end
   def kupno() return kupione end
   def czyjest()
        if ilosc==0 then
        return false
        else return true
   def nazwaa() puts nazwa end

class Automat

  def initialize (pie, dwa, jed, piec, dwad, dzi)
    @tab = [[pie, dwa, jed, piec, dwad, dzi],[5,2,1,0.5,0.2,0.1]]
   def monety(n, s, g)
              for i in 1.. 5
              for w in w..0
                if (x-tab[1][i])> -0.0001 then
                                                   puts tab[1][i]
  def wypisz()
        puts "Monet 5zl: ", tab[0][0]
        puts "Monet 2zl: ", tab[0][1]
        puts "Monet 1zl: ", tab[0][2]
        puts "Monet 50gr: ", tab[0][3]
        puts "Monet 20gr: ", tab[0][4]
        puts "Monet 10gr: ", tab[0][5]
  def dodaj(x)
        if x==5 then tab[0][0]+=1 end
        if x==2 then tab[0][1]+=1 end
        if x==1 then tab[0][2]+=1 end
        if x==0.5 then tab[0][3]+=1 end
        if x==0.2 then tab[0][4]+=1 end
        if x==0.1 then tab[0][5]+=1 end

p = Automat.new(15,15,20,25,25,25)
napoje = [
   Napoj.new(2.1,20,"Fanta") ]

while q!=0
      puts "Co chcesz zrobic?"
puts "Kupic napoj: nacisnij 1"
puts "Wydrukowac raport o monetach: nacisnij 2"
puts "Wydrukowac raport o kupionych napojach: nacisnij 3"
puts "Wyjsc: nacisnij 0"

q = gets
puts q

case q

when 1

     for j in 0..2
             puts ": "+napoje[j].cenaa()+" nacisnij "+j
     g = gets
     if napoje[g].czyjest() then
      while y!=0
                puts "Monety wrzucne: "+s+" Co chcesz zrobic: \n\t\t
Wrzuc monete: 0 \n\t\t Kup napoj: 1 \n\t\t Anuluj: 2"
      puts "Twoj wybor: "
      y = gets
      if y==0 then
        puts "Wrzuc monete. "
                m = gets
      if y==1 && napoje[g].wydajreszte(s)<0 then puts "Brak srodkow.
Wrzuc monete."
        puts "reszta: "
                if y==2 then break end

      else puts "Brak zadanego napoju."
when 2
when 3
     puts "Kupiles: "
     for i in 0..2
        puts ": ", napoje[i].kupno()
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.


if you ask for a variable using 'gets', this gives you a String.
So you have to write

case mystring
  when '1' # instead of when 1
   # ....

I would love to be able to speak Polish ... it's amazing that people who can still ask questions
about anything :slight_smile:

Best regards,



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Axel Etzold wrote:


if you ask for a variable using 'gets', this gives you a String.
So you have to write

case mystring
  when '1' # instead of when 1
   # ....

I would love to be able to speak Polish ... it's amazing that people who
can still ask questions
about anything :slight_smile:

Best regards,


and now, the last (i think) problem:
the change(x) method doesn't want to work, can You tell me why?

BTW can somebody check for other errors?

class Drink

attr_accessor :price,:ammount,:name,:bought

   def initialize (cen, ile, nn)

    def chage(x)
          return x - self.pricea
   def ammounti() return $ammount end
   def pricea() return $price end
   def buy() return $bought end
   def canbuy()
        if $ammount==0 then
        return false
        else return true
   def namea() puts $name end

class Automat

  def initialize (pie, dwa, jed, piec, dwad, dzi)
    $tab = [[pie,dwa, jed, piec, dwad, dzi],[5,2,1,0.5,0.2,0.1]]
    puts $tab

   def coins(n, s, g)
              for i in 0.. 5
              for w in w..0
                if (x-$tab[1][i])> -0.0001 then
                                                   puts $tab[1][i]
  def write()
        puts "Coins 5zl: ", $tab[0][0]
        puts "Coins 2zl: ", $tab[0][1]
        puts "Coins 1zl: ", $tab[0][2]
        puts "Coins 50gr: ", $tab[0][3]
        puts "Coins 20gr: ", $tab[0][4]
        puts "Coins 10gr: ", $tab[0][5]
  def dodaj(x)
        if x==5 then $tab[0][0]=$tab[0][0]+1 end
        if x==2 then $tab[0][1]=$tab[0][1]+1 end
        if x==1 then $tab[0][2]=$tab[0][2]+1 end
        if x==0.5 then $tab[0][3]=$tab[0][3]+1 end
        if x==0.2 then $tab[0][4]=$tab[0][4]+1 end
        if x==0.1 then $tab[0][5]=$tab[0][5]+1 end

p = Automat.new(15,15,20,25,25,25)
drinks = [
   Drink.new(2.1,20,"Fanta") ]

while q!=0
      puts "What do you want to do?"
puts "Buy Drink: 1"
puts "Coin report: 2"
puts "Drink report: 3"
puts "Exit: 0"

q = gets.strip.to_i
puts q
puts q

case q

when 1:

     for j in 0..2
             puts ": ",drinks[j].pricea()," press ",j
     g = gets.strip.to_i
     if drinks[g].canbuy() then
      while y!=2
                puts "Coins inserted: ",s," What to do: \n\t\t Input
coins: 0 \n\t\t Buy Drink: 1 \n\t\t Cancel: 2"
      puts "Your choice: "
      y = gets.strip.to_i
      if y==0 then
        puts "Input coins. "
                m = gets.strip.to_f
      if y==1 && drinks[g].chage(s)<0 then puts "No chash. Iput coins"
        puts "reszta: "
                #if y==2 then break end

      else puts "No such Drinku."
when 2:
when 3:
     puts "You boughts: "
     for i in 0..2
        puts ": ", drinks[i].buy()


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 19:43:40 +0900
Von: Jed Kowalski <satanowicz@gmail.com>
An: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org
Betreff: Re: C++ 2 Ruby

Axel Etzold wrote:
> Jed,
> if you ask for a variable using 'gets', this gives you a String.
> So you have to write
> mystring=gets
> case mystring
> when '1' # instead of when 1
> # ....
> I would love to be able to speak Polish ... it's amazing that people who
> can still ask questions
> about anything :slight_smile:
> Best regards,
> Axel

and now, the last (i think) problem:
the change(x) method doesn't want to work, can You tell me why?

BTW can somebody check for other errors?

class Drink

attr_accessor :price,:ammount,:name,:bought

   def initialize (cen, ile, nn)

    def chage(x)
          return x - self.pricea
   def ammounti() return $ammount end
   def pricea() return $price end
   def buy() return $bought end
   def canbuy()
        if $ammount==0 then
        return false
        else return true
   def namea() puts $name end

class Automat

  def initialize (pie, dwa, jed, piec, dwad, dzi)
    $tab = [[pie,dwa, jed, piec, dwad, dzi],[5,2,1,0.5,0.2,0.1]]
    puts $tab

   def coins(n, s, g)
              for i in 0.. 5
              for w in w..0
                if (x-$tab[1][i])> -0.0001 then
                                                   puts $tab[1][i]
  def write()
        puts "Coins 5zl: ", $tab[0][0]
        puts "Coins 2zl: ", $tab[0][1]
        puts "Coins 1zl: ", $tab[0][2]
        puts "Coins 50gr: ", $tab[0][3]
        puts "Coins 20gr: ", $tab[0][4]
        puts "Coins 10gr: ", $tab[0][5]
  def dodaj(x)
        if x==5 then $tab[0][0]=$tab[0][0]+1 end
        if x==2 then $tab[0][1]=$tab[0][1]+1 end
        if x==1 then $tab[0][2]=$tab[0][2]+1 end
        if x==0.5 then $tab[0][3]=$tab[0][3]+1 end
        if x==0.2 then $tab[0][4]=$tab[0][4]+1 end
        if x==0.1 then $tab[0][5]=$tab[0][5]+1 end

p = Automat.new(15,15,20,25,25,25)
drinks = [
   Drink.new(2.1,20,"Fanta") ]

while q!=0
      puts "What do you want to do?"
puts "Buy Drink: 1"
puts "Coin report: 2"
puts "Drink report: 3"
puts "Exit: 0"

q = gets.strip.to_i
puts q
puts q

case q

when 1:

     for j in 0..2
             puts ": ",drinks[j].pricea()," press ",j
     g = gets.strip.to_i
     if drinks[g].canbuy() then
      while y!=2
                puts "Coins inserted: ",s," What to do: \n\t\t Input
coins: 0 \n\t\t Buy Drink: 1 \n\t\t Cancel: 2"
      puts "Your choice: "
      y = gets.strip.to_i
      if y==0 then
        puts "Input coins. "
                m = gets.strip.to_f
      if y==1 && drinks[g].chage(s)<0 then puts "No chash. Iput coins"
        puts "reszta: "
                #if y==2 then break end

      else puts "No such Drinku."
when 2:
when 3:
     puts "You boughts: "
     for i in 0..2
        puts ": ", drinks[i].buy()
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.


you don't have an accessor for the instance variable pricea .
It's better not to use global variables (starting with $), also, but
instance variables (starting with @):

class Drink
:attr_accessor :pricea, #...
def initialize (cen, ile, nn)

If you define a function 'pricea()', then you need to call it as
obj.pricea() also, not as obj.pricea ... but in Ruby, people
generally don't use the first form.

Concerning usage of classes, you might find this enlightening:


(and of course, the whole tutorial, not just chapter 9).

Best regards,



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how can I print a string and a variable in one line ?

puts ": ", drinks[i].buy()

the output will be:


and I would like to have:
Sprite: 0


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

puts "#{drinks[i].namea}: #{drinks[i].buy}"


On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 4:49 PM, Jed Kowalski <satanowicz@gmail.com> wrote:

how can I print a string and a variable in one line ?

puts ": ", drinks[i].buy()

the output will be:


and I would like to have:
Sprite: 0

-------- Original-Nachricht --------

Datum: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 06:49:00 +0900
Von: Jed Kowalski <satanowicz@gmail.com>
An: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org
Betreff: Re: C++ 2 Ruby

how can I print a string and a variable in one line ?

puts ": ", drinks[i].buy()

the output will be:


and I would like to have:
Sprite: 0
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

puts drinks[i].namea() + ": " + drinks[i].buy()

Best regards,



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